Re: [kictanet] [ke-internetusers] Re: Kenya: Consumers furious over high internet prices
Alex, Mistakes are made in ideas, but that does not mean I have not dome my research well. I think I should have said, Bill, stay on in fighting for the battle of empowering the internet users of their rights. By this, I do not mean he (Bill) is the only person who does that. We are all doing it in our own capacities! Thanks 2009/9/10 Alex Gakuru <>
It would really help everyone if you did your background research a little more before commenting on some issues.
Stay on and fight for what you want while in the 'system.' If you pull out, you;ll have lost the battle of internet rights and users!
On 10/09/2009, Catherine Adeya <> wrote:
Leaving the list is not the my view there is more good
________________________________ From: Bill Kagai <> To: Cc: ke-users <>; KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:57:39 PM Subject: Re: [kictanet] Kenya: Consumers furious over high internet
Alex, Robert is apparently well known following emails I received from highly reputable people in the Human Rights sector where he last attacked. Through a mailing list. You have opted to keep quiet about this.
If you continue protecting his identity and he remains a member of your organisation, you ought to be ACCOUNTABLE as the chairman and let him face the full wrath of his RESPONSIBILITY. Otherwise, you are an accomplice.
Don't mix the sad issue of Defamation today with Consumer Rights. I also want cheap internet.
Also take heed, I do not represent Michael Joseph or any other person who faced attacks from Robert but I took responsibility to unearth the culprit as a proud Kenyan who is not ready to see one soul drive us into a destructive path.
Unless you become bold and expose him, I am sorry I do not have anything good to say about you too and your organisation. Actually, I do not know what am doing in this list any more.
Good bye....ALL. I can certainly get better things to do.....
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Gakuru Alex <>
"The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."- Lily Tomlin. I shall steer clear of the lowly races.
inline responses,
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Bill Kagai <> wrote:
Alex, Don't beat around the bush.
Bill = Impunity? Let's see....
But if you wish;
1) find out from your Safaricom friend where I was all day today. Ask them for my mobile phone user location tracking and the days calls and messages log to verify that indeed I had my handset on me all day. You are aware that they all have all this huge amount of data(SMS, calls, location, transaction, whom we call, when, conversation details etc ) on all of our communications on their servers, right? We do not ask for Data Protection bill aimlessly.
2) Indulge your investigations skills more- e.g. ask my neighbours if I was at the location given unto you.
3) Go to Kenya Power and Lighting Company and ask them for their power rationing program for today. And confirm whether indeed my location had an outage.
4) I spoke with several respected senior personalities today who needed data and information. Without power, I regretted, I could not send them via emails. I am ready to give you their numbers for you to confirm if indeed I told them so.
1. Have you met Onyango Hatari in person?? 2. Do you have his contacts?? 3. Are you Onyango Hatari??
Call me....0724226600 we discuss this matter. We need to straighten this matter!!!!
I shall not qualify or dignify your allegations with an honourable response.
@Journalist: Anne-Marie Kinyanjui (and despite your disclaimer):
Are you are qualified to advice us on consumer advocacy and telecommunications investments? You wrote me an email asking for me for data. What did you really want it for? Whom does a journalist write for? See for "professional journalist" here <>
I can send to kictanet the KBC and NTV News clips of the same Michael Joseph interview, then all you can understand what I mean. Moderator let me know I can do that? (~10MB).
---------- Finally,
My data-based analysis remains valid, until and unless Safaricom's Michael Joseph offers verifiable proof on the contrary. Internet prices have to come down, immediately!
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Gakuru Alex <> wrote:
Bill, your remark as it stands right here borders on something already illegal.... Please take note.
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Bill Kagai <> wrote: > Ladies and Gentlemen, > > We are missing the point here. Clearly, 'Onyango Hatari' does not > exist and is just a pseudonym for someone we know quite well on this > list who prefers to spew hatred using a different email address. This > matter in no longer on 'consumers' rights'. > > I would encourage Michael Joseph to report to the nearest police > station for investigations to commence with a view of suing for
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Solomon Mburu <> wrote: than prices libel
> because this is clear defamation. The Chairman of the ICT Consumers > Association should be one of the respondents 'to assist police with > investigations' since he seems to be the only one who knows the true > identity of one Onyango Hatari. Or is there anyone in this list who > has actually interacted with Onyango Hatari??? > > -- > Bildad Kagai > MD - MediaCorp Limited > Nairobi Stock Exchange Authorised Information Vendor > Suite B2, Tetu Court, State House Avenue > P. O. Box 20311 - 00200 > Nairobi, Kenya > Tel. 254 20 272 8332 > Fax. Rendered Obsolete > S - 1°17'13.8" > E - 36°48'22.7" > > --
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-- Solomon Mburu P.O. Box 19343 - 00202 Nairobi Cell: (+254-0) 735 431041
Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way to the side of a hill!
It is better to die in dignity than in the ignomity of ambiguous generosity!
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-- Solomon Mburu P.O. Box 19343 - 00202 Nairobi Cell: (+254-0) 735 431041 Man is a gregarious animal and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way to the side of a hill! AND It is better to die in dignity than in the ignomity of ambiguous generosity! blog: Sent from Nairobi, Kenya
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Solomon Mburu