Fw: Poverty Reduction and ICTs Roundtable on Tuesday 12th at Jacaranda Hotel from 8.30am

----- Original Message ----- From: "Shem Ochuodho" <shem@arcc.or.ke> To: "Invited Speakers" <info@arcc.or.ke> Cc: <alice@apc.org>; <andrew@aitecafrica.com>; <cliff@arcc.or.ke>; <george@smart-k.com> Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 12:07 PM Subject: Poverty Reduction and ICTs Roundtable on Tuesday 12th at Jacaranda Hotel from 8.30am
As you will be aware, the "Poverty Reduction and ICTs Consortium" in conjunction with the Kenya ICT Policy Network (KICTANet) will be hosting a 1-day Roundtable on "Poverty Reduction and ICTs" so at to enrich the National ICT Policy process.
You are invited to make make a 15-20 minute presentation during the Official Opening session from 8.30am. Dr Juma Okech, ICT Secretary/E-Government Directorate, Office of the President, has kindly agreed to Preside over this Session. The PS, Ministry of Planning, Mr David Nalo (or his representative) will close the meeting.
A copy of the programme is attached for your perusal. Also enclosed is some background material.
Please kindly confirm availability.
Best regards,
Shem, ARCC
Shem J. Ochuodho, MSc (Eng), PhD, LLD (Hon) Chairman & Founder African Regional Centre for Computing (ARCC) Ngong Road, Opp. Uchumi Hyper Tel: +254-20-2721008/2725326 Nairobi, KENYA www.arcc.or.ke
participants (1)