To all Members, There will be a KICTANET monthly meeting tomorrow Wednesday 4th May, 2005 at the usual venue - Jacaranda Hotel, at 10:00 - 1:00 with lunch included. Attached please find Minutes of the last KICTANET meeting, for your perusal. The Agenda will be sent to you later on today Kindly confirm your attendance to Lizette Kraft, coordinator of this meeting. regards Lizette Kraft Project Assistant Kenya ICT Policy Project International Development Research Centre Liaison House, 2nd Floor State House Avenue Nairobi

Hi Lizette count me in Charles Nduati --- Lizette Kraft <lkraft@idrc.or.ke> wrote:
To all Members,
There will be a KICTANET monthly meeting tomorrow Wednesday 4th May, 2005 at the usual venue - Jacaranda Hotel, at 10:00 - 1:00 with lunch included.
Attached please find Minutes of the last KICTANET meeting, for your perusal. The Agenda will be sent to you later on today
Kindly confirm your attendance to Lizette Kraft, coordinator of this meeting.
Lizette Kraft Project Assistant Kenya ICT Policy Project International Development Research Centre Liaison House, 2nd Floor State House Avenue Nairobi>
kictanet mailing list kictanet@kictanet.or.ke http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo/kictanet
CHARLES N. NDUATI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KENYA ICT FEDERATION (ICT BOARD OF KENYA PRIVATE SECTOR ALLIANCE) 11th FLOOR, BRUCE HOUSE, KAUNDA STREET P. O. BOX 79324-00200 NAIROBI KENYA TEL: 254020-317996/251438/253847 FAX: 254020-221091 MOBILE:254-722728815 EMIAL:charlesnduati2002@yahoo.co.uk OFFICE EMAIL:info@kif.or.ke www.kif.or.ke Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com
participants (2)
charles nduati
Lizette Kraft