*Please circulate widely...* ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Steve Mutisya <s.muthonde@gmail.com> Date: 30 September 2013 16:23 Subject: Fwd: Fw: Web Designer To: mike kipsang <kipsangb@gmail.com>, Michael Bullut <main@kipsang.com> Hey Do you know anyone who meets these requirements? Pls circulate. Cheers ----- Forwarded Message ----- *From:* Frederic T. Kama-Kama <fkamakama@scout.org> *To:* Romano Francis <romanofrancis@gmail.com> *Sent:* Thursday, 26 September 2013, 15:26 *Subject:* Re: Web Designer Dear Romano, Thank you for your call and subsequent note. To be honest, I am no longer in touch with happenings at Shalom House. So, it is difficult for me to comment one way or the other. At least, I am going to circulate the word around and will update you accordingly. Best regards, Fred ------------------------------ *From: *"Romano Francis" <romanofrancis@gmail.com> *To: *fkamakama@scout.org *Sent: *Thursday, 26 September, 2013 3:04:08 PM *Subject: *Web Designer Dear Fred, Greetings, I had a request from the Jesuits to recommend someone as a web designer but with the skills as indicated in the attached document. I thought you might know someone in the Industry with a good grasp of French and an understanding of religious environment. Do they have such people at Shalom? Regards Romano