Am struck by the statement Safaricom CEO Michael Joseph said the tariff was a way of thanking the firms PostPay subscribers for their loyalty and extending to them price concessions ...... Our PostPay customers are a huge reason for our success. We thank them for their custom and considerable spending on our network. We promise to remain responsive to their needs and promise them a number of incentives, going forward. said Mr Joseph Two QnS??: 1. Why did it take Safcom so long to thank us its loyal customers. Did Zain have to trigger them to? So were they exploiting me? 2. If I am the huge reason for their success, why havent they improved their very poor and frustrating service that they offer me even when i call their rude and cold CS? For me, it doesnt matter if their rates go lower than Zain, am over and done with Safcom. This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the addressee and may also be privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the addressee, or have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately. The Access Kenya Group does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from unauthorized access to, or interference with, any Internet communications by any third party. Access Kenya Group is authorized and regulated by Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK).