On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 12:17���PM Rimas Kudelis <rimas@kudelis.lt> wrote:

2023-04-14 12:03, Odhiambo Washington wrote:

'groups' is a reserved word in MySQL version 8.0.2.
How I solved this long time ago was to:
1. Dump my exim4u db to file
2. Edit the file so that the table 'groups' is renamed to 'mygroups' or whatever you want as long as it's not called 'groups'
3. Import the DB again
4. Edit the��exim-group-router.conf.inc so that the table being used in the query is 'mygroups'
Couldn't you just put backticks around the newly reserved word though?

I am not even aware backticks would have helped, but I believe my solution conformed with the KISS principle.

Best regards,
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