Hello List!�� I hope everyone is well.
Has any endeavored to add calendar services into an Exim4U installation?�� If so, can I ask for any details you might share?
Hi Helmut,
You can use
SOGo as the webmail interface with Exim4U installation. You may want to refer to your
OS-specific guide for the installation.
To have SOGo working with the Exim4U installation, you will need to create a VIEW of the database for use with SOGo:
CREATE VIEW sogo_auth_view AS SELECT user_id AS sogo_id, username AS c_uid, username AS c_name, crypt AS c_password, realname AS c_cn, username AS mail, realname AS displayName FROM users WHERE enabled='1';
You need to make a decision on two important parameters in that file:��SxVMemLimit and��WOWorkersCount.
The installation guide explains almost everything.
Hope that helps.