

Following the Exim4u v3.0.0 upgrade instructions I�ve changed the Mysql tables and database collation to utf-8 charset.


After that, I�m getting a problem with Brazilian accented characters (�, �, �, etc) in Vacation/Auto-reply messages. If I try to set up a new message the accented characters are not saved in the MySQL Users table. If only enabling old messages already saved before the utf-8 conversion, the message goes to the sender with wrong chars (example below):


Original message:


Encontro-me de f�rias no per�odo de 06/07/2015 � 20/07/2015


Sent message:


Encontro-me de f=C3=A9rias no per=C3=ADodo de 06/07/2015 =C3=A0 20/07/2015.


My question: What the reason motivated the UTF-8 DB/tables conversion? Do you know any other way to keep the UTF-8 collation and solve the accent characters in Vacation and Auto-Reply messages?


Best Regards,

