Hi Alexandr, I decided to reply to the list regarding the README_Gordon file in your tar ball so that other folks could read our exchange and potentially participate.
1) First of all, there were a lot of mistakes in PHP concerning gettext - many messages were not translated at all. I've spent a lot of time looking for possible resolutions just because I don't know PHP at all... I think I've got something really working now: every message is translated! But if you would take a pure .po-file it will not work because of those multiple mistakes in PHP-code. This is why I have to send you all the code back. Probably a better idea is to re-check everything, though I didn't find any changes in 1.2.4 from 1.2.3. While translating I found many strings were absent in original .po, but unfortunately I didn't guess from the beginning to include file names with respective line numbers into ru.po. So some strings are simply there and I can't say now where they are from, excuse me...
You really did make quite a few changes! I have done a brief review of your changes and most or your edits look like syntax issues that were repeated (and corrected) over and over. Do you believe that these changes would work for the other language files that are included in Exim4U's locale directory from the old Vexim code (de_DE, en_EN, es_ES, hu_HU and ro_RO)? Obviously, I can test the English version. Unfortunately, I am not multilingual so I would like to find other folks to test these other languages. Hopefully, we may get some volunteers..... I would like for you to run your revised code for a few weeks and let us know how it goes. After that, if you are happy with it then I would like to post your tar ball as a "Beta Test Russian version" on the Exim4U downloads page at http://exim4u.org/download/. Furthermore, at that time, I will begin testing in English and hopefully some other folks might volunteer to test the other languages. Once we gain confidence that all is well then we can look to integrate your changes into the trunk.
2) There are string about Anti-Virus but I can't find anything like in web-interface?...
The original Vexim code provided each individual domain and user with the option of enabling or disabling the ClamAV antivirus checks. This was possible since Vexim ran ClamAV and SpamAssassin in the Routers section of the exim configuration file after the mail had been accepted. However, it is more efficient and standards compliant to run ClamAV and SpamAssassin during the data ACL prior to accepting mail which is how we do it with Exim4U. Therefore, rejections occur during the SMTP session instead of after the mail has been accepted. In any event, as a result of all this, the capability for individual domains and users to enable/disable the ClamAV checks are not possible and the Anti-Virus verbage in the PHP code is no longer relevant and can therefore be ignored.
3) Next, more important question: I see that all passwords are kept in CLEAR in database... Is that good, really???... If I only knew PHP a bit I could fix that myself, but no way...
No, that is far less than perfect to store the passwords that way. We probably should add that to our TODO list.
5) I've changed CSS a bit so that text was located more uniformly on the screen, tested it in Opera, Firefox and Chrome. IE never worried me in this life, sorry :-)
That sounds fine. This is something else for us to look for when we test your changes. Alexandr, in summary, thanks again for doing the Russian translation, for addressing the other issues that you found in the language files and for forwarding your revised code back to us for further review. Please let me know how things are going after a few weeks have passed. Gordon