Hi Alexandr, Thanks for the update. Let me know if/when you have the code ready to test and I will test and evaluate it at that time. Personally, I think that it would be fine to rearrange strings to make them more compatible for the various languages. And yes, you are correct to go ahead and remove the strings related to the Anti-Virus implementation. Thanks again for your efforts! Gordon On 10/26/2010 12:13 PM, azlk wrote:
Hello, Gordon,
You mentioned some things which were obvious but I had missed them in my letter. You are right, not all of this code may work properly for other languages. This is because of how sentences are composed in the code. For example, in adduser page there one can see a phrase at the bottom: "Blocked Headers To Be Deleted" This phrase in .po file is composed from 3 parts (why?!): - "Blocked" - "Headres To Be" - "Deleted" So when I translated these separate parts into Russian I got very funny message which sounds in Russian like "Blocked-headers-deleted-to-be". In such form this is abracadabra, so I had to translate each part intentionally wrong to get meaningfull sentence in the end. Thus, "Headers To Be" became "Deleted", "Deleted" became "Headers" and "Blocked" stayed "Blocked". There are other examples which I didn't mention. I realize that for anyone who don't know other languages it's quite a complex task to compose string in such manner that they could be properly translated to other languages. But we could rearrange strings to make them more compatible, couldn't we? For example the string from above example don't repeat anywhere else, so I suppose it could be just one sentence, then this whole thing can be easily translated to any language without confusing.
Also, I found a few words which are there in code but due to my poor knowledge I didn't understand yet how to make them gettext-compatible. Some of them are in config/headers(xxx).php files and some are in php files in main direcory. Probably you are right, I have to try to rearrange strings and then test all thing for some time. Hope this will result in more i18n-compatible .po-file.
Anti-Virus. If it is not used, maybe we could remove these strings to not confuse future translators?
Sincerely, Alexandr