Have you tried changing the collation of the affected
tables?�� MySQL has some odd default collations, I have
changed a lot of mine to just plain UTF8_bin across the
board, and try to remember to do this whenever I set up a
new database.�� However, I have not had issues with
changing the collation after the fact, but your mileage
may vary.
A couple articles on the subject:
fixing mysql
collation error
regardless, you might want to set up a separate database
for testing and import your data there before trying it on
your live data.�� of course make a backup of the database
before you start anything, not sure if you can quiesce
your service while you work on this but that would help
prevent new entries into the database.
Hope this helps you some.�� Personally I have not run into
this error myself (that I know of!), but the default mysql
collations have always bugged me.
3/26/2019 1:32 AM, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
I am using MySQL-8.x
I realized that some lookups on the blocklists
table were stopping mails from being delivered.
MYSQL: query failed: Illegal mix of collations
(utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and
(utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
So I had to comment out all blocklists lookups
(my people don't even create custom ones though)
pending advise from here.
Anyone dealt with this issue before, or it's
only me on MySQL-8.x??
Best regards,
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