Since several people are now using the Multi-IP capabilities of Exim4U I thought that I would make mention of a very useful little program called Bindhack. Bindhack allows you to bind any IP address for telnet execution. That is, in its native implementation, telnet uses the machines default (or primary) IP address and does not have any option for changing the outbound IP address. However, with Bindhack, you can have telnet use any outbound IP address that has been configured for your server. This is quite useful when you need to simulate your smtp sessions with telnet, typically on port 25, and have your telnet session use a different outbound IP address other than the machines primary interface. Bindhack's source code can be obtained here: The instructions for compiling and using Bindhack are included in the code's comments. I have written two quick and dirty little scrips for using bind hack which are attached. These scripts are not fancy (and come without any warranties) and so, if you are interested, I encourage you to write your own bindhack scripts and share them with the community. FYI, Gordon