You could check your apache access and error logs but I'm not sure that's going to tell you much.� Has this worked previously and suddenly quit working or did you just recently upgrade to 3.1.0 where� this didn't work from the start?� Alternatively, there may be some subtle differences in your installation that causes a bug to manifest itself that I'm not seeing otherwise...


On 04/04/2017 03:03 PM, Helmut Fritz wrote:


Thx.� I am on 3.1.0.� Any idea of a log I could look in?


From: users [] On Behalf Of Gordon Dickens
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 11:43 AM
To: Exim4U General Discussion
Subject: Re: [Exim4U] exim4u admin interface error

Hello Helmut,

What version of Exim4U are you running?� I'm not sure whats causing your problem and I have not been able to recreate the problem with my existing installations running the current 3.1.0 version.� So, I would recommend that you consider upgrading to the current 3.1.0 version, if you have not done so already.


On 04/03/2017 05:39 PM, Helmut Fritz wrote:


I am getting an error when trying to update a user through the exim4u web interface.� I am logged in as the domain administrator.

I cannot disable the enable spam box or enable spam box report checkboxes.� The error message I get (in the ribbon across the top of the web page) is: �Exim4U Email Admin � � user could not be updated.�

I CAN enable those checkboxes successfully with no issues.

I CAN log into the phpmyadmin interface as the configured database user (exim4u) and make the change there; this was just to ensure that there were no database permission issues.

There are no log entries in the apache or mysql log pertaining to this failure.

Any ideas or help?


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