First of all let me thank the team for such an excellent package. I had been using vexim for a while. But I must admit, I am liking exim4u even better. Now, a little problem. I have a mail router which accepts emails for three domains and routes them to three individual servers (the admin people prefers to have their own server than finance, and so on :P) the three internal servers are maintained by three different people, who generally does not agree on anything, but now have agreed on one issue -- they all want a seperate spam address where all spams will be forwarded so they can check and decide what to do with them. in other words, spams coming to needs to be routed to spam(a) spams coming to needs to be routed to spam(a) spams coming to needs to be routed to spam(a) can this be done via ACL or does it have to be in the router? I am not at all good in understanding the entire exim configuration (started only three months ago and that too with vexim). Is there any sample code available that I can customize with my little knowledge and put to work? any help/pointer is highly appreciated Thanks to all again Shamim