As discussed earlier in a separate thread, a regression was introduced in exim 4.83 that caused the headers_remove clauses in the exim configuration files to malfunction.�� This regression continued in Exim 4.84 and 4.85. This regression impacts both Exim4U and Vexim users running exim 4.83, 4.84 & 4.85. Exim versions earlier than exim 4.83 are not impacted by this regression.� A partial fix was implemented in 4.85 which fixed the transports section but not the routers section.� The bug report is here:
At the bottom of this bug report is a patch for the routers section.� Shamim Shahriar and I have both tested this patch and it appears to fix the regression altogether.� Please also note that the colon ":" in the quote_mysql statements in the headers_remove clauses must also be replaced with double colons "::" for Exim 4.85 and later Exim versions to work properly.
I patched exim 4.85 on a FreeBSD installation using the attached patch as per bug 1533. The patch is named: patch-src_routers_rf__get__munge__headers.c. � If you want to implement the patch yourself in FreeBSD, then simply put the attached patch file in the� /usr/ports/mail/exim/files directory preserving its name exactly as is.� Then "cd /usr/ports/mail/exim" followed by "make deinstall clean" followed by "make install clean".� This will rebuild exim with the patch and everything should then work properly as long as you have substituted double colons for the single colon in the quote_mysql statements within the headers_remove clauses.� Note that the quote_mysql statements in the headers_add clauses must continue to use a single colon.� For operating systems other than FreeBSD, follow your OS's instructions on how to patch and recompile source code.� Your only other option is to wait for a later version of exim to be released for your OS in binary form and which has implemented this patch.
Users running unpatched versions of exim 4.83, 4.84 & 4.85 must comment out all of the headers_remove clauses which include quote_mysql statements altogether for exim to work properly.� This will, of course, remove features related to header removal but exim will otherwise work properly.� If you implement the attached patch to exim 4.85 then your installation will work properly as long as you have also substituted double colons for the single colon in the quote_mysql statements within the headers_remove clauses. As an example, for Exim4U, substitute double colons for the single colon in the quote_mysql statement in lines 829, 1051 and 1052 in /etc/exim/exim.conf.� Also, attached is a revised exim configuration file (/etc/exim/exim.conf) for Exim4U with the double colons already substituted.� Please note that this configuration file will only work with patched versions of exim 4.85 and/or later versions of exim that have implemented the attached patch.
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