Hi list, my mail server has been listed at backscatterer.org, and on their site they suggested that i should only send bounces to local users but i dont know how to implement this in exim. recently i found out that some of the ip's i allow relay for are infect and send a lot of mails with fake sender addresses, is their a way in exim that i can allow only senders with local + "accepted" domains to relay mails from my mail server. eg: that i allow a user(a)my-domains.tld from <> to relay through my server but user(a)strange-domains.tld from <> not relay or send any mails. this will really help me as now what i normally do is block the smtp for the specific ip sending those spams which affect any legitimate emails. I really need help on this two problems. here is an example from the backscattere website. Backscatterer - Why it is abusive and how to stop your system doing so Email servers should be configured to provide Non-Delivery Reports (bounces) to local users only. Unacceptable email from anywhere else should be rejected. Thanks Kebba