Rimas, Thx for the note. There is actually quite a bit being committed regularly. Can anyone tell me hoe often releases are made? Or do people actually check out the latest stuff? Old style init scripts are generally still supported, so I guess it should just work. Would anyone recommend sticking to CentOS6? Or just go for 7? Thx for any and all input. Helmut From: users [mailto:users-bounces(a)exim4u.org] On Behalf Of Rimas Kudelis Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 10:15 PM To: Exim4U General Discussion Subject: Re: [Exim4U] CentOS7/systemd Hello Helmut, 2016-04-04 19:39, Helmut Fritz wrote: Hello, First message here. I am looking to get off of qmailtoaster (been running it for many, many years) since even it is not well maintained any more. I am looking at either postfix or exim, and an easy tool to manage them (limited free time=hobby business). I ran across exim4u and it looks like it might fit the bill. Other platforms I am looking at are ISPConfig and BlueOnyx (yes, I know, sendmail), Xeams, Virtualmin. I know all of those are not email only, but I hope I can just ignore the other portions of those application stacks. I do like that exim4U is first for email, exactly what I want/need. I do have a couple questions: 1. Is it maintained and being further developed? I am not concerned if it is slow development, but what exists should be relatively solid. You can see the commit log here: https://github.com/Exim4U/src/commits/master . As you can see, there is some stuff going on. 2. Will it run on CentOS7 or other systemd platforms? Seems they are all pretty much going that way unfortunately. I don't think there's anything that could stop Exim4U (or Vexim for that matter) from working with systemd-based platforms. After having a quick you look at the list of files shipped by Exim4U, I only found two initscripts ( https://github.com/Exim4U/src/tree/master/etc/init.d ), so I would guess that even if some adjustment would be needed, it wouldn't be that difficult to implement. Regards, Rimas