Looking for Clare Ruto (Celtel) e-address
any body with the above? I visited their website and picked the idea to try the various permutations (cruto@ke.celtel.com, clare.ruto@ke.celte.com, rutoc@ke.celtel.com) amongst others with little success... walu.
ruto.c@ke.celtel.com Walu, thats the address- gotten from the list of participants of MSA ICT conference Regards Makai John Walubengo <jwalubengo@kcct.ac.ke> wrote: any body with the above? I visited their website and picked the idea to try the various permutations (cruto@ke.celtel.com, clare.ruto@ke.celte.com, rutoc@ke.celtel.com) amongst others with little success... walu. _______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list kictanet@kictanet.or.ke http://kictanet.or.ke/mailman/listinfo/kictanet Benjamin Makai Tel: 254-722-540641 P.O. Box 8608, 00300, Nairobi, Kenya --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.
participants (2)
Benjamin Makai
John Walubengo