Fwd: [gc-steering] FYI - WSIS Prepcom3 September 19 - 30th
What will happen during the PrepCom?
Two documents will be negotiated during PrepCom III and taken to Tunis:
Political Chapeau (Tunis Commitment) 'Operational Part' (Tunis Agenda for Action) In addition, a supporting document, the stocktaking report, will be presented, which summarises the ITU led stocktaking exercise.
- Attempts to assess the likelihood of achieving the WSIS objectives by 2015
- Includes a section on existing indicators, and indicators that are being developed, to assist in the mapping in b)
Section 4 gives more information about the documents and how they relate to one another
2. How will these documents be negotiated?
a. In writing prior to PrepCom:
- Contributions can be sent to the Secretariat according to various timelines.
- all deadlines for submission of written material in relation to Internet Governance and Financing are now closed
- written contributions in relation to the Political Chapeau and Chapters 1 and 4 of the 'Operational Part' may still be submitted via government delegations, or, possibly, direct to the President of Prepcom as Chair of the Group of the Friends of the Chair (this would need to be checked but please see below on the meetings of the GFC)
b. Contributing to the final meetings of the Group of the Friends of the Chair
The Group of the Friends of the Chair will meet twice again before PrepCom on Sep 5th and 6th, and on Sep 7th if needed. The GFC is only open to governments, with Business and Civil Society allowed in at the discretion of the Chair. If Civil Society advocates wish to influence the drafting at this stage, it would be advisable to:
- contact your Civil Society Bureau members and/or CONGO representatives with texts you wish to include
- try to get someone who is Geneva Based to attend the meeting
- contact your government delegation and try to include text via them
c. During PrepCom
Via Sub-Committee
Various documents, and parts of the documents, will be negotiated in Sub-Committee. There are two sub-committees.
Sub-Committee A: deals with Internet Governance (Chapter 3 of the Operational part of the document), This Sub-committee is chaired by the Government of Pakistan. This committee will meet daily, from 10:00-13:00, excepting Sep 10 and Sep 30 when there will be full plenaries.
Sub-Committee B: deals with the Political Chapeau and Chapters 1 (implementation all text), 2 (Financing Mechanisms bracketed text) and 4 (follow up all text) of the Operational part of the document. This Sub-Committee is chaired by the President of the Prepcom. This committee will meet daily, from 15:00-18:00, excepting Sep 10 and Sep 30 when there will be full plenaries.
3. Civil Society Access to Sub-Committee, governments and drafting groups
a. Oral interventions: Access to sub-committee is according to the UN WSIS 'Rules of Procedure'. These rules allow for approximately 45-60 minutes oral intervention throughout each of the Sub-committees. This amounts to approximately 15-20 minutes per day for Civil Society.
b. Monitoring sub-committee: Identify people who can work on a rotation to monitor and take notes during sub-committee. This is a very good way to get a sense of where government positions are, who are you allies, who are not, and who you can lobby. Monitoring sub-committee often means sitting in sessions for long periods of time, often well into the evening
c. One to one lobbying: it is often more effective to identify sympathetic government delegates that you can lobby with your specific issues and recommendations. As noted above, you can often determine who those delegates are by monitoring sub-committee. The best way however, is to establish relations with your government delegation prior to PrepCom
d. Organising meetings with your government counterparts: This can be a very effective way of building relationships with your government delegation, which can allow you to lobby more effectively. Try to organize this ahead of PrepCom and, as early during the 2 week period as possible.
e. Drafting groups: Small drafting groups are normally formed early into PrepCom, who have the task of preparing draft texts for negotiation. It is very important to know who is on these drafting groups, and if possible, develop personal relationships with members, or is possible, the Chair of the drafting group.
4. Civil Society Spaces and Orientation
a. Civil Society Orientation
CONGO will organize an orientation day on September 18th. It is well worth ensuring you have some delegates present for this, who can report back to your caucus or working group. The session will give an overview of how PrepCom will work, when meetings will take place, the rules of procedure, the status of documents and orientation of the issues being discussed.
b. Civil Society Plenary
Civil Society plenary will meet every morning, normally from around 08:30 until 10:00 when plenary/sub-committee begins. It is a space for all working groups and caucuses to report back on issues, meetings, and other points they feel important. It can also be a space for indicating interest in speaking slots, but the actual slots are negotiated during the evening meetings of the Content and themes Group.
c. Civil Society Content and Themes Group
The Civil Society Content and Themes group is the body that identifies speakers and slots for sub-committee (and plenary). As there is such little time, it is often advisable to try to identify sympathetic caucuses who can collectively speak on similar issues. It normally meets from about 16:30 to 18:00 in the evenings.
In terms of preparation, it is worth thinking about interventions before PrepCom, and even preparing short, ½ page statements that can be ready as drafts, when speaking slots are discussed. 300-500 words is usually the maximum you can expect to read as an oral intervention during sub-committee or plenary.
d. Civil Society Working Groups and Caucuses
Several caucuses and working groups will be active during PrepCom III, but, it is highly likely that much energy will be focused around the Internet Governance Caucus considering the heavy emphasis on Internet Governance during this PrepCom.
e. About the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus
The caucus was formed during WSIS PrepCom2, February 2003 to provide civil society with expert opinion on issues around Internet governance, and to present civil society's views on Internet governance in WSIS. It is a means by which any interested organization or individual from civil society is able to contribute and participate. It provides a regular communication channel with other civil society caucuses and working groups and with the Civil Society Plenary. The Internet Governance Caucus is one of 29 such working groups established during the preparatory process of WSIS to provide civil society as a whole with expert advice on specific thematic issues.
The caucus works mainly online. It uses a mailing list with over 250 members, many from CS organizations accredited to WSIS. The Caucus made substantive written and spoken plenary contributions to the debate of Internet governance to the Summit in Geneva, and has been active in discussion in the WSIS Tunis phase.
Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus meetings
This caucus is likely to meet quite regularly during PrepCom though the exact times are not fixed yet. It is highly recommended that meetings can be attended by at least one representative who can report on the African CS positions on IG, and be updated on the status of the documents, interventions, key lobbying points etc,
It is also important for all caucuses and working groups to be familiar with the position of the Internet Governance Caucus and be prepared either to:
- support the work of the caucus where there is convergence
- identify areas/issues where there is lack of convergence and inform the caucus of these differences (or gaps), It may well be that the IG caucus can incorporate these perspectives and provide a broad based platform for civil society around this issue.
Considering the small amount of time Civil Society will have during PrepCom to make interventions, the more consensus we have, and more unified our voice, the more impact we can make.
Nonetheless, this should not prevent any caucus from indicating interest in taking up independent speaking slots as civil society has a very broad and diverse range of positions and perspectives.
f. Side-events
There will be several side events focusing on internet governance and other issues such as Human Rights and Privacy and Security. Organising a side-event is a good way to present your perspectives, activities, priorities to a broader audience.
"If you wish to reserve a room at the Palais des Nations for a parallel event or meeting, please fill in the attached request form and send it to CONGO office at wsis@ngocongo.org or by fax at +41 (0)22 301 2000 (as soon as possible and before 7 September 2005). Requests will be processed on a "first come, first serve" basis. "
5. Further information on the documents for PrepCom III and how they relate to one another?
a. The Political Chapeau
The Political chapeau is largely one of stated values, principles, objectives. In some ways, it is the counterpart to the Geneva Declaration. It aims to:
- affirm the Geneva Documents
- link WSIS, ICTS for Development with Poverty eradication and the MDGs and Declaration
- note the unresolved issues of Financing Mechanisms and Internet Governance express commitment to redressing the 'digital divide' and the promotion of universal, equitable and affordable access
- show special attention to the needs of women, youth, migrants, disabled excluded communities
- note the importance of partnerships, follow-up etc..
It has been widely commented on by all stakeholders, including comments from the following groups from Civil Society:
- WSIS Gender Caucus, DAWN, AMARC Africa, IT for change (as one)
- Cultural Diversity Working Group of Civil society
- Association for Progressive Communications, Bread for All, CRIS, Instituto del Tercer Mundo, IT for change and Gender Caucus the 'informal financing coalition; (as one)
And the following African Governments:
- Ghana (independently and on behalf of the Group of African countries), Kenya, Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria
- Algeria, Morocco (with Saudi Arabia)
b. The 'Operational Part'
The 'operational Part' is in some ways the counterpart to the Geneva Plan Of Action a document that affirms a movement from 'principle to action'. It is in 4 sections:
Operational part Chapter 1: Implementation Mechanisms
This chapter
- acknowledges ongoing work at national, regional and global levels
- encourages existing and new partnerships and cooperation in implementing the Geneva Action plan
- expresses commitment to achieving the WSIS indicative targets (those we expect to achieve by 2015)
- advocates mainstreaming of ICT strategies into broader development strategies (1 - see below)
- calls for international, regional and national evaluation and benchmarking (indicators) (2 - see below)
- notes the importance of involving all stakeholders (3 see below)
- calls for stakeholders to continue adding to the ITU stocktaking database
- calls for a follow-up implementation mechanism (4 see below)
Operational part Chapter 2: Financing Mechanisms
The following issues on financial mechanisms for ICTD have not been agreed and are bracketed in the text on Chapter 2:
- the question of a Virtual Finance Facility; - the question of a rapid response policy support mechanism; - Free and Open Source Software.
African civil society needs to consider whether to advocate around these issues in the inter-governmental discussion on financial mechanisms.
The argument for a Virtual Financing Facility is to have some form of co-ordination of existing financial mechanisms and the dissemination of information on how to access them. This is different from the DSF which is a new financial mechanism.
The argument for a rapid response policy support mechanism is to provide an alternative source of ICT policy information and advice to developing countries that is different from the policy advice offered by the World Bank that is tied to its loan agreements.
On FOSS there are three positions in Chapter 2. Only one of them clearly supports FOSS.
Operational part Chapter 3: Internet Governance
This chapter is currently empty. It is likely that a draft text will be prepared between now and PrepCom III for negotiation
Operational part Chapter 4: Follow-up
This is really a bureaucratic text, outlining needs to inform the UN Sec General of WSIS outcomes etc.
c: The Stocktaking report
The Stocktaking report provides a 'snapshot' of what has been accomplished by all stakeholders, at all levels, in relation to the Geneva Action Plan and would seem to provide additional/backup information for Chapter One of the Operational Document (implementation mechanisms).
It assess the likelihood of achieving the WSIS indicative targets by 2015, which partnerships are contributing most towards achieving these aims, and what indicators are being developed to assess/map achievement by 2015.
The table below outlines each document, lobbying tips and strategies and when texts will be negotiated during PrepCom III.
TABLE: Summary of Documents for PrepCom III, who/when text will be negotiated and suggested Lobbying points/strategies
Lobbying points/strategies
Text drafted by/negotiated by/when
Political Chapeau
It is important to ensure that gains made with the WSIS Geneva Declaration are not 'overturned' in the Tunis political declaration. Recall the key issues from the first phase e.g. Human Rights, People-Centred, cultural and linguistics diversity, media pluralism, 'digital divide' etc
it would be worth noting the contributions of Civil Society to see whether these can be more broadly supported
it would also be worth noting the African Government contributions to see which can and cannot be supported eg Ghana recommends stronger gender language
Alternatively, it may be worth thinking about a different strategy altogether, recalling the civil society visionary declaration from Phase I and promoting that
Drafts of the Political Chapeau have been developed by the 'Group of the Friends of the Chair'. The entire text will be negotiated during PrepCom III.
The text will be discussed in Sub-Committee B every afternoon September 20/21/22/23 and 26/27/28/29
Operational Part: Chapter 1 Implementation Mechanisms
Drafts of Chapters 1 and 4 of the Operational Part have been developed by the Group of the Friends of the Chair. The entire text will be negotiated during PrepCom III
As with the political chapeau:
note African Government contributions to see which can and cannot be supported it would be
note contributions of Civil Society to see whether these can be more broadly supported
1 - language on mainstreaming (paras 6a-6g) has been proposed by Ghana (for group of African Countries, Informal Coalition on Financing (CS), WSIS gender caucus, WSIS Youth caucus)
2 - language on indicators (para 7) has been proposed by Civil SOciety groups, gender caucus, youth and human rights caucus
3 much work has been done calling for the meaningful participation of all stakeholders, in particular, those from civil society and developing countries (para 8)
4 the follow up mechanism is an important issue (paras 10, 11 and many proposed tables of organizational responsibility) with many UN agencies (global and regional) proposing roles for themselves in post WSIS implementation. Factors to consider would include how WSIS follow up mechanisms would work with other follow up mechanisms, such as outcomes of the Internet Governance process (the proposal for the Forum), the proposed Global Alliance (evolution of the UN ICT Task Force) etc
Drafts of Chapters 1 and 4 of the Operational Document have been developed by the 'Group of the Friends of the Chair'. The entire text will be negotiated during PrepCom III.
The text will be discussed in Sub-Committee B every afternoon September 20/21/22/23 and 26/27/28/29
Operational Part: Chapter 2 Financing Mechanisms
The text for Chapter 2 was negotiated during PrepCom II and goes to Prepcom III unchanged (that is, there have been no developments since).
Additional information about the text which remains bracketed (and hence will be negotiated during PrepCom III) will be discussed during the online discussion.
Bracketed text of Chapter 2 will be negotiated during PrepCom III.
The text will be discussed in Sub-Committee B, every afternoon September 20/21/22/23 and 26/27/28/29
Operational Part: Chapter 3 Internet Governance
The text for Chapter 3 is currently empty. It is likely that a draft text will be developed between now and PrepCom III, based on the WGIG report and the responses received during the open consultation period.
Text will be drafted and negotiated during PrepCom III.
The text will be discussed in Sub-Committee A, Chaired by the Government of Pakistan, every morning September 20/21/22/23 and 26/27/28/29
Operational Part: Chapter 4 Follow up
Drafts of Chapters 1 and 4 of the Operational Document have been developed by the 'Group of the Friends of the Chair'. The entire text will be negotiated during PrepCom III.
The text will be discussed in Sub-Committee B every afternoon September 20/21/22/23 and 26/27/28/29
Stocktaking report
No negotiation, just a report.
Thanks to Karen Banks of the APC
Titi Akinsanmi
www.pin.itgo.com www.ycdo.net
www.schoolnetafrica.net www.globalteenager.org
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Florence Etta