RE: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices

1. Is the media in Kenya without blame? I have the likes of Standard/KTN/Kass FM/Inooro & Weekly Citizen et. al. in mind? 2. If not, then why do we find it hard to demand better services to the Kenyan consumer? Why do we find it so hard to say "and we demand that the media report accurately and without bias in their service to Kenyans". Just that, and we would have moved a step forward in objectivity. 3. The Nation did not publish the Kalonzo/StateHouse story because "it could not be verified" even after they objectively checked with their own sources - . The Nation did not find the story plausible and all parties (Kalonzo, Raila and State House) claimed it was a fabrication. Who is telling untruths here and why should KICTANet so readily believe The Standard story. Since when did it become ok to fabricate strories? If the story was true, did State House LIE to Kenyans? We cannot escape from putting the media to task here because a fabricated story would be a dangerous precedent that KICTANet and Kenyans in general must protest. The same applies if State-House told Kenyans a lie. We should not allow this story to go away because it imply that the highest office in the land has resorted to outright fabrication of which we must protest. 4. Do we all remember that one of the senior editors at the The Standard was fired from Nation for taking a bribes so as to publish falsehoods? Why are we so convinced that the same would not recur in any media house? Don't we leavbe with the reality of Inooro and Citizen's biased coverage everyday? Is this the media Walu is asking us to defend? 5. KTN or Citizen are not the "Kenyan consumer" of media products. Kenyans are helpless receipient of fabrticated stories while the media is teh offending party here. These media houses are not devoid of political bias and in some extreme cases, tribal bias. The days of people hiding behind an attack on "our people" when they are caught misconduct went in December 2002. No-one in government or outside it should use Kenyans as his defence when he has offended the ethical dmands of his/her vocation or even the laws of the land. Walu, the days of irresponsible media must come to an end as much as the days of draconian action. Neither the state nor the media has a right to abuse what freedoms and powers Kenyan (citizens and consumers) accord them. The Kenyan consumer comes first. Wainaina
-------Original Message------- From: John Walubengo <> Subject: RE: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices Sent: 06 Mar '06 11:16
This is the fundamental issue. That this raid (whatever the justified reasons) was totally out of order. It does set a very dangerous precedence. If something like this is not condemned with the contempt it deserves, these 'Kanga' squads would soon get orders to move from the Media, and graduate into the other aspects of our lives...including your homes.
I shudder when I imagine that a time shall come when fathers and mothers shall get ripped from their childrens arms, and then disappear into the night never to be seen, courtesy of the Kanga Squad - all in the name of 'national security'. Seems far fetched, but possible. All it needs is for one, two or more raids to happen without Kenyans complaining and suddenly it will become an acceptable way of resolving issues.
It is a proven physcological concept. That if you want to boil a frog in hot water, dont drop it directly into hot water, because it will jump out and escape. What u do instead is to put it in cold water and then slowly and steadily increase the heat. Within 15min the frog never gets to know how it died. Kenyans must never for a moment agree to these types of assualt. They must not get accustomed to this kind of treatment.
To me this raid goes beyond an attack on the media. It is an attack that goes directly into our collective ability as a nation to tolerate abuse from the high and mighty. We must chose to jump out of the hot water NOW...or slowly boil to our death.
my fifty cents.
<> 03/06/06 11:58AM >>> In a civilised society of which I believed we lived in until last Thursday there are clear mechanisms to mitigate such issues .The attack on KTN /Standard sets a dangerous precedence and I cannot believe anyone can support such actions
Anthony Musunji
-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: 06 March 2006 11:25 To: KIPlist Subject: Re: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices
Charles has raised very important points and i beleive list members should ask themselves why the raid other than condeming...why was nation not raided
Charles Hunja <> wrote:
Hi all,
...and I am fully in agreement with Wainaina. Before any joint (or "members'") statement is issued, we should first understand why, and if there a need for such to be issued. Secondly, we should understand the statement itself, its weight, cones, and relevance. I again disagree with the statement, "Some events do not provide us with adequate opportunity to consult each other". The only events which may not provide enough time for consultation may only be those to do with organisation/office running, which need quick decision of which the return/results are expected.
Though we should be free to discuss any issue, we should re! alise that ours is not a political tool but rather, a business tool. It is interesting to see how some people and/or organisations are quick to accuse, by following others before understanding everything. On the issue of the KTN/Standard, no one has ever bothered to ask why the two house were attacked. Some say it is because of the Kalonzo story. If I may ask, between "Kalonzo/Kibaki" and the "Anglo Leasing" stories, which one of the two was more likely to hurt the government? Which one was more damning. If it is the Anglo Leasing story which was released by the nation Media Group, then why is it that nation did not come under attack. The minister for internal security said he was responsible and that the attack was necessitated by a threat in national security. Full stop!
What I hear everybody say is that Press Freedom is very important, and I fully agree with them. Very very important. But why on earth should a newspaper write on its front (or back) page that Mr. X! XX is a bank robber and a rapist, and when followed, start crying out about press freedom and freedom of expression? This freedom does not mean telling lies e.g. working for particular politicians to insult others and so on. We know, (and I have a case in point where) journalists are paid to accompany politicians. that way, wherever they are and whatever they say is always covered by the media. Anyway, what I am saying is don't pass judgement because others are doing so. We shouldn't follow blindly. Before doing so, we should always strive to understand the case first, by gathering all the evidence and listening to all parties. That way, we may be armed to give a "fair judgement"
Anyway, these are my thought and not those of the KICTNet. I guess the network is a discussion forum.
At 02:25 PM 04/03/2006 +0300, Wainaina Mungai wrote:
Hi Malaba,
I was under the impression that a "KICTANET s! tatement" is a joint statement that needs wider consultation so as to legitimise the words below....because KICTANet does not exist without its membership. I may have been wrong.
> > We the members of the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), a multistakeholder group of organisations > > > and networks from civil society, private > > sector, media, academia, and development partners
-------Original Message------- From: David Sparrow Malaba <> Subject: Re: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices Sent: 04 Mar '06 11:31 Dear Colleagues, I feel that as members of KICTANET, each one of us is free including our organizations to take a particular stand on any issue or issues at any time as they arise. But if Mr. Mungai is suggesting that in future we make joint press statements, then that is something else, that may perhaps require consultation from members. Some events do not provide us with adequate opportunity to consult each other. Let us play our roles even if it means commenting on any issue without fear of contradiction or even being labeled or victimised by members. Kind regards David Malaba The Computer Society of Kenya --- "Made in" <> wrote: > Dear all, > > Just out of curiousity, who was consulted in the > drafting of this statement? As a member, I am > totally in the dark on this one! . AS much as I > support the condemnation of the police action, I > must distance myself from this one-sided and > apparently unilaterally drafted statement that seems > to be in denial of the reality in Kenya today. Media > freedom is not absolute and Kenyan consumers have a > right to access accurate and unbiased information > from the media and other sources. > > The statement will only serve to sanitise misconduct > by the local media. KICTANet should not be seen as a > trade association where irresponsible media finds > solace. I hope that will not be the message > KICTANet will pass on to participants at the planned > "Media and ICTs workshop next week (March 10-13) in > Mombasa. All freedoms, especially the freed! om of the > press must be exercised with restraint. Media > freedom carries with it alot of power and power has > corrupted a significant section of our media. > > The unilateral decision to draft and circulate a > statement on behalf of KICTANet despite protests > from some members (no matter how few) should not be > presented in a manner to imply that it is the > collective view of the network. > > Even the Media Owners Association did a much better > job by demanding that its membership exercise > responsible journalism. For that, I must > congratulate the MoA for exercising objectivity and > advice KICTANet to make an honest attempt at such > objectivity in future. > > Sincerely, > > Wainaina Mungai > > > -------Original Message------- > > From: > > Subject: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network > Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices > > Sent: 03 Mar '06 10:27 > > > > Press Release > > > > Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid > on STANDARD AND KTN Offices > > > > 3 March 2006 > > > > > > > > > >
> are shocked and outraged > > by the recent actions meted by the government on > the standard group. > > > > > > > > On Wednesday, 1 March 2006, the Government of > Kenya launched an > > unprecedented and vicious attack on the STANDARD > GROUP premises, harassed > > the journalists, confiscated equipment, > interrupted TV transmission and > > burned copies of the day's newspaper edition. > > > > > > > > The Government has detained and continues to hold > in detention three > > Standard journalists apparently for misreporting > that a leading opposition > > politician had secretly met the President at > State House. > > > > > > > > When interviewed, the Internal Security Minister > Hon. Muchuki did not deny > > the government's involvement in this horrifying > event of March 1st stating > > state security as the reason behind the > government's actions. > > > > > > > > We see this as crude and gross abuse of power and > our constitution. > > > > At a recent ICT strategy conference held at the > safari park hotel his > > Excellency the president of Kenya unveiled > Kenya's ICT strategy, whose main &g! t; > objective is " transforming Kenya's economy > through promoting and > > facilitating the private sector to serve as the > driver for economic > > development". This crude action contradicts the > government's recent > > objectives to maintain a favourable climate for > investment and creation of > > jobs for Kenyan's. No investor would place their > money in an environment > > where the rule of law and order is disregarded > with utmost impunity. > > > > > > > > > > > > This action is also reminiscent of the dark days > in Kenya when the media was ! > > constantly harassed in order to suppress the > freedom of expression, thought > > and association. The action demonstrates that > the Government, which is the > > custodian of law and order is not committed to > the rule of law as the basic > > foundation for a modern and civilised society. > > > > > > > > Whereas the Government may be validly aggrieved, > there are established and > > internationally acceptable mechanisms for seeking > redress through the courts > > of law. The Kenya Telecommunication Act (1998 > revised 2001) clearly spells > > out the procedures that should be followed! in the > event that a Media House > > needs to be shutdown. > > > > KICATNet translates this action as an attempt to > frighten the independent > > media, limit Kenyan's political space and erode > our human rights. It is also > > a gross violation of our constitution. > > > > > > > > KICTANet therefore strongly condemns the > government's actions and stands in > > solidarity with the Kenyan media and particularly > our colleagues at the > > standard media group. We take this opportunity > to remind the government of > > Kenya that the foundation of a sound dem! ocracy is > the right to information > > and freedom of press. > > > > > > > > It is therefore imperative that the Government > quickly moves to restore not > > just investor confidence but also citizens' > confidence in protection of our > > fundamental human rights and democratic space > that has been gained largely > > due to a free press. > > > > > > > > KICTANet is appalled by the actions and urges the > Minister(s) and the > > Agency/ies involved to publicly apologise and > expeditiously restore the > > services! of the Media House as well as paying for > all the losses that the > > standard group have incurred. > > > > > > > > Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) > > > > > > Contact Details for the network > > > > Judy Kimiti > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > kictanet mailing list > > <> > > Please unsubscribe o! r change your options at > <> > === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <> --- Submitted by: Sparrow David Malaba - KITC <> 2006-03-04 03:40:01 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%% &g! t;
--- Submitted by: Wainaina Mungai (One World) <> 2006-03-04 06:33:46 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
================================ Charles M.M. Hunja, IT Manager International Development Research Centre P.O. Box 62084 - City Square, Nairobi, Kenya Tel 254 020 2713160/1: Fax: 254 020 2711063
............................................................................ ............................................................................ ........ This email (and all other outgoing emails) is certified Virus Free. Checked by MCafee Anti-virus system --- Submitted by: 2006-03-06 00:56:02 EST5 (Please reply to original subm! itter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
Benjamin Makai Tel: 254-722-540641 P.O. Box 8608, 00300, Nairobi, Kenya
Yahoo! Mail Bring photos to life! New <*http:/*http:/photomail.mail.> PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. --- Submitted by: Benjamin Makai 2006-03-06 03:23:11 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
--- Submitted by: 2006-03-06 04:51:17 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to
--- Submitted by: John Walubengo <> 2006-03-06 05:21:59 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to

Dear Members, Please lets not loose focus here. Lets go purely to the issues. I believe it will be more objective if we focus on the issues at hand. My observation is: 1. Self-regulation within the media is WEAK. The media council has to wake up and be seen to be effective. 2. The press freedom MUST be entrenched into the highest law of this land and observed. Muthoni Wainaina Mungai wrote:
1. Is the media in Kenya without blame? I have the likes of Standard/KTN/Kass FM/Inooro & Weekly Citizen et. al. in mind?
2. If not, then why do we find it hard to demand better services to the Kenyan consumer? Why do we find it so hard to say "and we demand that the media report accurately and without bias in their service to Kenyans". Just that, and we would have moved a step forward in objectivity.
3. The Nation did not publish the Kalonzo/StateHouse story because "it could not be verified" even after they objectively checked with their own sources - . The Nation did not find the story plausible and all parties (Kalonzo, Raila and State House) claimed it was a fabrication. Who is telling untruths here and why should KICTANet so readily believe The Standard story. Since when did it become ok to fabricate strories? If the story was true, did State House LIE to Kenyans? We cannot escape from putting the media to task here because a fabricated story would be a dangerous precedent that KICTANet and Kenyans in general must protest. The same applies if State-House told Kenyans a lie. We should not allow this story to go away because it imply that the highest office in the land has resorted to outright fabrication of which we must protest.
4. Do we all remember that one of the senior editors at the The Standard was fired from Nation for taking a bribes so as to publish falsehoods? Why are we so convinced that the same would not recur in any media house? Don't we leavbe with the reality of Inooro and Citizen's biased coverage everyday? Is this the media Walu is asking us to defend?
5. KTN or Citizen are not the "Kenyan consumer" of media products. Kenyans are helpless receipient of fabrticated stories while the media is teh offending party here. These media houses are not devoid of political bias and in some extreme cases, tribal bias. The days of people hiding behind an attack on "our people" when they are caught misconduct went in December 2002. No-one in government or outside it should use Kenyans as his defence when he has offended the ethical dmands of his/her vocation or even the laws of the land.
Walu, the days of irresponsible media must come to an end as much as the days of draconian action. Neither the state nor the media has a right to abuse what freedoms and powers Kenyan (citizens and consumers) accord them.
The Kenyan consumer comes first.
-------Original Message------- From: John Walubengo <> Subject: RE: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices Sent: 06 Mar '06 11:16
This is the fundamental issue. That this raid (whatever the justified reasons) was totally out of order. It does set a very dangerous precedence. If something like this is not condemned with the contempt it deserves, these 'Kanga' squads would soon get orders to move from the Media, and graduate into the other aspects of our lives...including your homes.
I shudder when I imagine that a time shall come when fathers and mothers shall get ripped from their childrens arms, and then disappear into the night never to be seen, courtesy of the Kanga Squad - all in the name of 'national security'. Seems far fetched, but possible. All it needs is for one, two or more raids to happen without Kenyans complaining and suddenly it will become an acceptable way of resolving issues.
It is a proven physcological concept. That if you want to boil a frog in hot water, dont drop it directly into hot water, because it will jump out and escape. What u do instead is to put it in cold water and then slowly and steadily increase the heat. Within 15min the frog never gets to know how it died. Kenyans must never for a moment agree to these types of assualt. They must not get accustomed to this kind of treatment.
To me this raid goes beyond an attack on the media. It is an attack that goes directly into our collective ability as a nation to tolerate abuse from the high and mighty. We must chose to jump out of the hot water NOW...or slowly boil to our death.
my fifty cents.
<> 03/06/06 11:58AM >>> In a civilised society of which I believed we lived in until last Thursday there are clear mechanisms to mitigate such issues .The attack on KTN /Standard sets a dangerous precedence and I cannot believe anyone can support such actions
Anthony Musunji
-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: 06 March 2006 11:25 To: KIPlist Subject: Re: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices
Charles has raised very important points and i beleive list members should ask themselves why the raid other than condeming...why was nation not raided
Charles Hunja <> wrote:
Hi all,
...and I am fully in agreement with Wainaina. Before any joint (or "members'") statement is issued, we should first understand why, and if there a need for such to be issued. Secondly, we should understand the statement itself, its weight, cones, and relevance. I again disagree with the statement, "Some events do not provide us with adequate opportunity to consult each other". The only events which may not provide enough time for consultation may only be those to do with organisation/office running, which need quick decision of which the return/results are expected.
Though we should be free to discuss any issue, we should re! alise that ours is not a political tool but rather, a business tool. It is interesting to see how some people and/or organisations are quick to accuse, by following others before understanding everything. On the issue of the KTN/Standard, no one has ever bothered to ask why the two house were attacked. Some say it is because of the Kalonzo story. If I may ask, between "Kalonzo/Kibaki" and the "Anglo Leasing" stories, which one of the two was more likely to hurt the government? Which one was more damning. If it is the Anglo Leasing story which was released by the nation Media Group, then why is it that nation did not come under attack. The minister for internal security said he was responsible and that the attack was necessitated by a threat in national security. Full stop!
What I hear everybody say is that Press Freedom is very important, and I fully agree with them. Very very important. But why on earth should a newspaper write on its front (or back) page that Mr. X! XX is a bank robber and a rapist, and when followed, start crying out about press freedom and freedom of expression? This freedom does not mean telling lies e.g. working for particular politicians to insult others and so on. We know, (and I have a case in point where) journalists are paid to accompany politicians. that way, wherever they are and whatever they say is always covered by the media. Anyway, what I am saying is don't pass judgement because others are doing so. We shouldn't follow blindly. Before doing so, we should always strive to understand the case first, by gathering all the evidence and listening to all parties. That way, we may be armed to give a "fair judgement"
Anyway, these are my thought and not those of the KICTNet. I guess the network is a discussion forum.
At 02:25 PM 04/03/2006 +0300, Wainaina Mungai wrote:
Hi Malaba,
I was under the impression that a "KICTANET s! tatement" is a joint statement that needs wider consultation so as to legitimise the words below....because KICTANet does not exist without its membership. I may have been wrong.
We the members of the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), a multistakeholder group of organisations > > > and networks from civil society, private sector, media, academia, and development partners
-------Original Message------- From: David Sparrow Malaba <> Subject: Re: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices Sent: 04 Mar '06 11:31
Dear Colleagues, I feel that as members of KICTANET, each one of us is free including our organizations to take a particular stand on any issue or issues at any time as they arise. But if Mr. Mungai is suggesting that in future we make joint press statements, then that is something else, that may perhaps require consultation from members. Some events do not provide us with adequate opportunity to consult each other.
Let us play our roles even if it means commenting on any issue without fear of contradiction or even being labeled or victimised by members.
Kind regards David Malaba The Computer Society of Kenya
--- "Made in" <> wrote:
Dear all,
Just out of curiousity, who was consulted in the drafting of this statement? As a member, I am totally in the dark on this one! . AS much as I support the condemnation of the police action, I must distance myself from this one-sided and apparently unilaterally drafted statement that seems to be in denial of the reality in Kenya today. Media freedom is not absolute and Kenyan consumers have a right to access accurate and unbiased information from the media and other sources.
The statement will only serve to sanitise misconduct by the local media. KICTANet should not be seen as a trade association where irresponsible media finds solace. I hope that will not be the message KICTANet will pass on to participants at the planned "Media and ICTs workshop next week (March 10-13) in Mombasa. All freedoms, especially the freed! om of the press must be exercised with restraint. Media freedom carries with it alot of power and power has corrupted a significant section of our media.
The unilateral decision to draft and circulate a statement on behalf of KICTANet despite protests from some members (no matter how few) should not be presented in a manner to imply that it is the collective view of the network.
Even the Media Owners Association did a much better job by demanding that its membership exercise responsible journalism. For that, I must congratulate the MoA for exercising objectivity and advice KICTANet to make an honest attempt at such objectivity in future.
Wainaina Mungai
-------Original Message------- From: Subject: [Kictanet] Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices Sent: 03 Mar '06 10:27
Press Release
Kenya ICT Action Network Condemns Overnight Raid on STANDARD AND KTN Offices
3 March 2006
by the recent actions meted by the government on
are shocked and outraged the standard group.
On Wednesday, 1 March 2006, the Government of
unprecedented and vicious attack on the STANDARD GROUP premises, harassed the journalists, confiscated equipment, interrupted TV transmission and burned copies of the day's newspaper edition.
The Government has detained and continues to hold in detention three Standard journalists apparently for misreporting
politician had secretly met the President at State House.
When interviewed, the Internal Security Minister Hon. Muchuki did not deny the government's involvement in this horrifying event of March 1st stating state security as the reason behind the government's actions.
We see this as crude and gross abuse of power and our constitution.
At a recent ICT strategy conference held at the safari park hotel his Excellency the president of Kenya unveiled Kenya's ICT strategy, whose main &g! t; > objective is " transforming Kenya's economy
facilitating the private sector to serve as the driver for economic development". This crude action contradicts the government's recent objectives to maintain a favourable climate for investment and creation of jobs for Kenyan's. No investor would place their money in an environment where the rule of law and order is disregarded with utmost impunity.
This action is also reminiscent of the dark days in Kenya when the media was ! > > constantly harassed in order to suppress the freedom of expression, thought and association. The action demonstrates that
custodian of law and order is not committed to
foundation for a modern and civilised society.
Whereas the Government may be validly aggrieved,
internationally acceptable mechanisms for seeking redress through the courts of law. The Kenya Telecommunication Act (1998 revised 2001) clearly spells out the procedures that should be followed! in the event that a Media House needs to be shutdown.
KICATNet translates this action as an attempt to frighten the independent media, limit Kenyan's political space and erode our human rights. It is also a gross violation of our constitution.
KICTANet therefore strongly condemns the government's actions and stands in solidarity with the Kenyan media and particularly our colleagues at the standard media group. We take this opportunity to remind the government of Kenya that the foundation of a sound dem! ocracy is
and freedom of press.
It is therefore imperative that the Government quickly moves to restore not just investor confidence but also citizens' confidence in protection of our fundamental human rights and democratic space
Kenya launched an that a leading opposition through promoting and the Government, which is the the rule of law as the basic there are established and the right to information that has been gained largely
due to a free press.
KICTANet is appalled by the actions and urges the Minister(s) and the Agency/ies involved to publicly apologise and expeditiously restore the services! of the Media House as well as paying for all the losses that the standard group have incurred.
Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet)
Contact Details for the network
Judy Kimiti
_______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list <>
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--- Submitted by: Sparrow David Malaba - KITC <> 2006-03-04 03:40:01 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
&g! t;
--- Submitted by: Wainaina Mungai (One World) <> 2006-03-04 06:33:46 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
================================ Charles M.M. Hunja, IT Manager International Development Research Centre P.O. Box 62084 - City Square, Nairobi, Kenya Tel 254 020 2713160/1: Fax: 254 020 2711063
............................................................................ ............................................................................ ........ This email (and all other outgoing emails) is certified Virus Free. Checked by MCafee Anti-virus system --- Submitted by: 2006-03-06 00:56:02 EST5 (Please reply to original subm! itter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
Benjamin Makai Tel: 254-722-540641 P.O. Box 8608, 00300, Nairobi, Kenya
Yahoo! Mail Bring photos to life! New <*http:/*http:/photomail.mail.> PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. --- Submitted by: Benjamin Makai 2006-03-06 03:23:11 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to %%email.unsub%%
--- Submitted by: 2006-03-06 04:51:17 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to
--- Submitted by: John Walubengo <> 2006-03-06 05:21:59 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to
_______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list
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From the original article, numerous sources have been cited, has it been
I believe we need to exercise more objectivity. If the Nation could not verify a story does that mean the Standard is not capable of doing what the Nation could not do ? When the Nation was exclusively reporting on the AL scandal (which coincidentally is not receiving the focus among other reports ie Goldenberg, Ndungu report following the attack on the Standard), was that irresponsible reporting since the Standard did not corroborate what the Nation was reporting ? There is indeed a reason why in media circles there is something known as a "scoop". The Standard left it up to the objectivity of the readers to make their judgement and stated it had spoken to specific sources who were not named, is this irresponsible when it has not yet been proved beyond resonable doubt that those sources do not exist ? Was it irresponsible for those who have seen the Githongo dossier for the Nation to report on matters that certainly touched on substantial matters of National Security ? proven by way of the same sources who are cited that the Standard fabricated those sources statements ? Until that happens let us not be quick to judge, besides the matter is now before the courts. Sure there are many examples in today's media of irresponsible journalism, this one just does not appear to make that cut, however ultimately the outcome of the court case shall determine that aspect : The Saturday Standard *established* that Kalonzo visited State House on Thursday February 16, at 8.30pm, after a brief stay in Nakuru on his way from Baringo where he had met 120 Kalenjin professionals at Soi Lodge to seek their support for the Presidency. *Sources told* The Saturday Standard that since the President reconstituted his Cabinet after the referendum, Kalonzo had tried to get an appointment with Kibaki through Kombo. Yesterday, *Kombo could not be reached* for comment. But one of his assistants Ms Yvonne Khamati said *she was unaware of any talks* between Kombo and Kalonzo over an appointment with State House. "If there are such talks, they must be along the lines of forming coalitions. A lot of people are talking to the minister on the possibility of forming an alliance," Khamati said. *Kalonzo could not be reached* as his phone went unanswered most of yesterday. But one of his assistants said *there was no such meeting* between Kalonzo and the President. Not many in ODM or LDP know about the Kibaki, Kalonzo meeting. An official at the LDP Secretariat *Mumbi Ngaru said she has heard* of Kalonzo's visit to State House. "*But that is all I know. I have heard of that*," Mumbi said. *A confidential source* close to Kalonzo, but who does not approve of the former minister's move, told The Saturday Standard that the MP would like to rejoin government. Kenyan consumers have a right to exercise their personal bias and economic rights by not buying publications that thrive on irresponsibility and deception. The fact that some of the so called "gutter" publications are still in business is an indicator that irresponsibility in reporting does not outweigh responsibility within the media sector. Simply put, one bad banana does not make the entire bunch bad. Yes, there are corrupt journalists in the same sector, some of them prominent, and it is indeed important that any statements issued are objective, but objectivity in doing so should not be used to compromise the thrust of any primary message. In this case an assault on civil liberties and freedom of the press was indeed the focus and as time will tell the story that has commonly been associated with the raid had little or nothing to do with the reasoning behind what took place at the Standard. Just as Ndugu Wainaina cites the example of a senior editor in the Standard of having been fired from the Nation for taking bribes, there similarly are journalists in the "responsible media" who regularly receive brown envelopes so as to write articles that mislead Kenyans. The immediate former Minister for Information and Communications alluded to this fact but not many people chose to pay close attention, neither was any action taken. The fight against corruption must also be extended to include the media as well as any other sector that has been tainted by this scourge. I believe there is no law barring a media outlet for being biased. Media outlets have a right to serve segments that they deem to be profitable. Private media outlets are not funded with tax payer funds and thus can afford to be biased. If the public felt that the bias was not acceptable then those same outlets would not be in business today, that is not to say that there are no limits to bias and as long as an outlet keeps to limits established under law then there should not no problem. On 3/6/06, Wainaina Mungai <> wrote:
1. Is the media in Kenya without blame? I have the likes of Standard/KTN/Kass FM/Inooro & Weekly Citizen et. al. in mind?
2. If not, then why do we find it hard to demand better services to the Kenyan consumer? Why do we find it so hard to say "and we demand that the media report accurately and without bias in their service to Kenyans". Just that, and we would have moved a step forward in objectivity.
3. The Nation did not publish the Kalonzo/StateHouse story because "it could not be verified" even after they objectively checked with their own sources - . The Nation did not find the story plausible and all parties (Kalonzo, Raila and State House) claimed it was a fabrication. Who is telling untruths here and why should KICTANet so readily believe The Standard story. Since when did it become ok to fabricate strories? If the story was true, did State House LIE to Kenyans? We cannot escape from putting the media to task here because a fabricated story would be a dangerous precedent that KICTANet and Kenyans in general must protest. The same applies if State-House told Kenyans a lie. We should not allow this story to go away because it imply that the highest office in the land has resorted to outright fabrication of which we must protest.
4. Do we all remember that one of the senior editors at the The Standard was fired from Nation for taking a bribes so as to publish falsehoods? Why are we so convinced that the same would not recur in any media house? Don't we leavbe with the reality of Inooro and Citizen's biased coverage everyday? Is this the media Walu is asking us to defend?
5. KTN or Citizen are not the "Kenyan consumer" of media products. Kenyans are helpless receipient of fabrticated stories while the media is teh offending party here. These media houses are not devoid of political bias and in some extreme cases, tribal bias. The days of people hiding behind an attack on "our people" when they are caught misconduct went in December 2002. No-one in government or outside it should use Kenyans as his defence when he has offended the ethical dmands of his/her vocation or even the laws of the land.
Walu, the days of irresponsible media must come to an end as much as the days of draconian action. Neither the state nor the media has a right to abuse what freedoms and powers Kenyan (citizens and consumers) accord them.
The Kenyan consumer comes first.
participants (3)
Dorcas Muthoni
mike theuri
Wainaina Mungai