Re: [kictanet] Brian Omwenga - Thesis and Introduction
Hi all, I take it you had a restful weekend. I recently completed my M.Sc. in Technology and Policy and thought to share my thesis with the listers. The thesis is on a "Technology Strategy Analysis for the Deployment of Broadband Connectivity for Economic Development in Emerging Economies: Studying the Case of Kenya Using the CLIOS Process." A good number of discussions as well as people within this list contributed substantially to my thesis and the least I can do is offer a generic thank you to all of them. An ecopy of the thesis is temporarily stored at and should soon be available on the MIT library's DSpace. I believe reading the entire 194 pages may be a bit painstaking, so I'm currently working on a 10-15 page paper that should be available soon, I have also attached a copy of the abstract that should be a shorter read. I made use of a policy analysis framework developed by my thesis supervisor (Prof. Sussman) called the Complex Large Interconnected Open Sociotechnical (CLIOS) Process. My belief is that the thesis has contributed a systems understanding and summary to the question of broadband deployment, paying particular emphasis to the open system quality of broadband deployment. It may be taken as a treatise or foundation for further analysis of broadband using engineering analysis tools in the development and evaluation of a strategy. I'm back in the country now working part time at the Nokia Research Center. I will definitely be more active within the list now and I would like to hear your comments on the thesis in addition to those of Dr. Warigia and Mr. Kisia who graciously accepted to be my thesis readers. I also look forward to seeing most if not all of you in the near future. Thanks again, Brian G. Omwenga.
participants (1)
Brian Omwenga