Re: [kictanet] Kenya film board bans 'immoral' ads from running between 5am and 10pm

Friends, There is a case to be made regarding what we air in broadcast media and its impact (especially) on children. A good approach would be to have in place comprehensive classification guidelines and standards for content to help content producers assess and classify their content. Next: extensive guidelines and advice on when what content is appropriate. ... and then there is the need for user awareness. Awareness (for the producer and consumer) is key and may work more effectively than blanket ban whose enforcement may prove a challenge. It is a challenge (in part) because it is hard, for instance to regulate what people watch on the Internet, what with the growth in smartphone ownership! ... we hear of stories of how internet cafes are major porn-watching and gambling dens! Kind regards.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matunda Nyanchama, PhD, CISSP; Director & Managing Consultant, mnyanchama@aganoconsulting.comAgano Consulting Inc.;; Twitter: nmatunda; Skype: okiambe -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Manage your ICT risks! We are the experts you need! The trusted partners you deserve!Call: +254-20-267-0743 (Kenya) or info@aganoconsulting.comLicensed by Communications Authority of Kenya (CA)
participants (1)
Matunda Nyanchama