Fw: ICT Policy, Information and Communications Bill and Guide

FYI ----- Original Message ----- From: <ncs@nbnet.co.ke> To: "KIPlist" <kiplist-cl@lyris.idrc.ca> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 1:14 PM Subject: ICT Policy, Information and Communications Bill and Guide
The ICT policy, draft bill and guide to the bill is available at the web- address http://www.information.go.ke. Comments are required only on the draft bill.
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--- Submitted by: ncs@nbnet.co.ke 2006-02-06 09:28:04 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [alice@apc.org] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-kiplist-cl-100946B@lyris.idrc.ca

Quoting the President verbatim on ICT Policy. "As you are aware, economic growth today is driven by the knowledge and service-based sectors, where ease of information transactions is a key determinant of success. In appreciation of this important development, the Government has developed an Information and Communications Technology policy in which e-Government is an integral part. The implementation of this policy will further increase efficiency in the Government and at the same time help to reduce pilferage and misappropriation of funds. I urge you to ensure that this policy is operational within your ministries and departments." SPEECH BY HIS EXCELLENCY HON. MWAI KIBAKI, C.G.H., M.P., PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA DURING THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF INDUCTION WORKSHOP FOR MINISTERS, ASSISTANT MINISTERS AND PERMANENT SECRETARIES AT THE KENYA SCHOOL OF MONETARY STUDIES, NAIROBI ON 19TH JANUARY, 2006 http://www.statehousekenya.go.ke/ On 2/6/06, alice@apc.org <alice@apc.org> wrote:
FYI ----- Original Message ----- From: <ncs@nbnet.co.ke> To: "KIPlist" <kiplist-cl@lyris.idrc.ca> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 1:14 PM Subject: ICT Policy, Information and Communications Bill and Guide
The ICT policy, draft bill and guide to the bill is available at the web- address http://www.information.go.ke. Comments are required only on the draft bill.
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--- Submitted by: ncs@nbnet.co.ke 2006-02-06 09:28:04 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [alice@apc.org] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-kiplist-cl-100946B@lyris.idrc.ca
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-- -- With Kind Regards, Bildad Kagai CEO - Circuits & Packets Communications Ltd Coordinator - Free Software & Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) Suite B2, Tetu Apartments, State House Avenue P. O. Box 20311 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 254 20 2728332 Fax. 254 20 2726965 Cell. 254 722 379409 E. fossfa@gmail.com URL. www.fossfa.net
participants (2)
Bill Kagai