This is for those who wanna learn tactics and techniques used, during operations in the cyber domain, on a fictional level that can be applied on real world ops. I decided to start writing in 2021, though I never thought I would get back to it, as I had written a lot when I was young. I observed that some American and Europeans Ex-militaries and Ex-Intel officers had resulted to writing and I decided to go back to it too. I was the first person in the world, as an African, to write real Computer Network Operations novel with real actions-on sequences. Though the first book was about hacktivism for those who have read: “She went after Somalian Govt because the PM and the President were dangerously playing a power-play, eventually bombing the wrong structure, killing her Beirut’s oldest, best friend.” Second book, currently under edits will be about Military and Intelligence’s Computer Network Operations ops. It named C0nn3ctB4ck and will be out Mid ‘23. C0nn3ctB4ck can be really good, as a learning base for those in Law Enforcement, Investigations and Intelligence, that wanna understand how Nation states act on cyber space against each during peacetime and war. More on C0nn3ctB4ck, Let’s keep educating each other and show that even in Africa, we can do it too and better. -- -- OnNet CTO

Interesting concept. You might want to cross-check on correct military rankings and operational interactions that come into play even as you fictionalise the account. For example- chances for a Directorate of Military intelligence- a senior level usually Maj. General rank engaging with a Lieutenant is rare and usually they will engage with Brigadier/Lt. Cols and Majors. Just some comments for consideration but a very bold venture that definitely is needed Regards Eddie On Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 2:46 PM Gichuki John Chuksjonia via KICTANet <> wrote:
This is for those who wanna learn tactics and techniques used, during operations in the cyber domain, on a fictional level that can be applied on real world ops.
I decided to start writing in 2021, though I never thought I would get back to it, as I had written a lot when I was young.
I observed that some American and Europeans Ex-militaries and Ex-Intel officers had resulted to writing and I decided to go back to it too.
I was the first person in the world, as an African, to write real Computer Network Operations novel with real actions-on sequences.
Though the first book was about hacktivism for those who have read: “She went after Somalian Govt because the PM and the President were dangerously playing a power-play, eventually bombing the wrong structure, killing her Beirut’s oldest, best friend.”
Second book, currently under edits will be about Military and Intelligence’s Computer Network Operations ops. It named C0nn3ctB4ck and will be out Mid ‘23.
C0nn3ctB4ck can be really good, as a learning base for those in Law Enforcement, Investigations and Intelligence, that wanna understand how Nation states act on cyber space against each during peacetime and war.
More on C0nn3ctB4ck,
Let’s keep educating each other and show that even in Africa, we can do it too and better.
-- -- OnNet CTO
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KICTANet is a multi-stakeholder Think Tank for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. KICTANet is a catalyst for reform in the Information and Communication Technology sector. Its work is guided by four pillars of Policy Advocacy, Capacity Building, Research, and Stakeholder Engagement.
KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications.
KICTANet - The Power of Communities, is Kenya's premier ICT policy engagement platform.

Thank you. Am aware. I have a large background working CNO with different militaries across the globe and in my country too. Everything on that book is authentically done from Ranking, to capabilities for SoG and other Special Warfare teams and also I had to visit Addis Ababa and listen to Tigrayans and understand why NISS and their secret police are so aggressive. In any way, all my books come from intense background and experience conducting cyber against adversaries for the last 23 years. On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 at 16:46, _clicks 80 <> wrote:
Interesting concept. You might want to cross-check on correct military rankings and operational interactions that come into play even as you fictionalise the account. For example- chances for a Directorate of Military intelligence- a senior level usually Maj. General rank engaging with a Lieutenant is rare and usually they will engage with Brigadier/Lt. Cols and Majors.
Just some comments for consideration but a very bold venture that definitely is needed
On Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 2:46 PM Gichuki John Chuksjonia via KICTANet <> wrote:
This is for those who wanna learn tactics and techniques used, during operations in the cyber domain, on a fictional level that can be applied on real world ops.
I decided to start writing in 2021, though I never thought I would get back to it, as I had written a lot when I was young.
I observed that some American and Europeans Ex-militaries and Ex-Intel officers had resulted to writing and I decided to go back to it too.
I was the first person in the world, as an African, to write real Computer Network Operations novel with real actions-on sequences.
Though the first book was about hacktivism for those who have read: “She went after Somalian Govt because the PM and the President were dangerously playing a power-play, eventually bombing the wrong structure, killing her Beirut’s oldest, best friend.”
Second book, currently under edits will be about Military and Intelligence’s Computer Network Operations ops. It named C0nn3ctB4ck and will be out Mid ‘23.
C0nn3ctB4ck can be really good, as a learning base for those in Law Enforcement, Investigations and Intelligence, that wanna understand how Nation states act on cyber space against each during peacetime and war.
More on C0nn3ctB4ck,
Let’s keep educating each other and show that even in Africa, we can do it too and better.
-- -- OnNet CTO
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KICTANet is a multi-stakeholder Think Tank for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. KICTANet is a catalyst for reform in the Information and Communication Technology sector. Its work is guided by four pillars of Policy Advocacy, Capacity Building, Research, and Stakeholder Engagement.
KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications.
KICTANet - The Power of Communities, is Kenya's premier ICT policy engagement platform.
-- -- OnNet CTO
participants (2)
_clicks 80
Gichuki John Chuksjonia