Dear Moderators and all I would like to thank all those who attended the moderators meeting on the 15th of April. Thanks to Dr. Sihanya and Warigia for offering to complete the work on collating all the comments in readiness for submission to the ministry information and communication. And Special thanks to PS James Rege for his support and encouragement. thanks. Find attached the minutes, prepared by Aida Kamau. And please note responsibilities and dates below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key responsibilities and dates: 1) Participants requested to give in specific sections to be included in the policy should do so by 20th April. They include: · Preamble and Preface- Alice munyua and Lucy and Florence Etta · Letter to moderators requesting list of those contacted, participants and contributors-Alice Munyua · Recommendation to government citing plan of implementation: Alice munyua and Lucy Goal ICT · Write-up in relevant part of the policy on the youth: Goal ICT · A write up on culture- ARCC 2) An email to be sent by end of the day to all participants and stakeholders on the process going on detailing the dates when they will be able to view the revised draft policy and by when they need to give feedback on the same. 3) Moderators deadline to send in their submissions to Ben Sihanya: midnight 21 April 2004 4) The writers ( Ben sihanya and Wairigia Bowman) and Alice Munyua will meet on the 25th and 26th of April for the actual writing. 5) Draft policy will be sent out to all stakeholders by the 26th midday 7) Feedback on the draft will be received until midday 27th April 8) Presentation to the Ministry by 1 may 2005.We shall need to discuss with the PS information communication about his availability for a breakfast meeting which could be used to formally present our comments. A. Wanjira Munyua National Coordinator, Catalysing Access to ICTs in Africa (CATIA) Association for Progressive Communications (APC) alice@apc.org http://www.apc.org http://www.catia.ws
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