Jamaica Spectrum Auction
Listers Following my visit to Jamaica two weeks ago and subsequent email to members on this list, I hereby I attach a link from a tweet from Hon Julian Robinson, Minister of State for ICT with details on information Memorandum on the auction of the 700 mhz spectrum in Jamaica. @pkukubo see attached info on 700MHZ frequency Jamaica is auctioning for mobile broadband sma.gov.jm/sites/default/… For those of you who want the direct link here it is. http://www.sma.gov.jm/sites/default/files/publication_files/INFORMATION_MEMO... I urge interested companies to take an interest. We are working on finalising the details of our ICT partnership between industry players in Jamaica and Kenya as part of our Kenya marketing effort. Kind regards Paul Kukubo Chief Executive Officer, Kenya ICT Board PO Box 27150 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya 12th Floor, Teleposta Towers Koinange Street Tel +254 20 2089061, +254 20 2211960 Fax: +254 20 2211962 website: www.ict.go.ke local content project: www.tandaa.co.ke, www.facebook.com/tandaakenya twitter:@tandaaKENYA BPO Project: www. doitinkenya.co.ke Digital Villages Project: www.pasha.co.ke personal contacts _______________ Cell: + 254 717 180001 skype: kukubopaul googletalk: pkukubo personal blog: www.paulkukubo.co.ke personal twitter: @pkukubo ____________________ Vision: Kenya becomes a top ten global ICT hub Mission: To champion and actively enable Kenya to adopt and exploit ICT, through promotion of partnerships, investments and infrastructure growth for socio economic enrichment
participants (1)
Paul Kukubo