Fw: KICTANet OSIEA Proposal

----- Original Message ----- From: "Florence Etta" <feanywhere@yahoo.co.uk> To: "Warigia Bowman" <warigiabowman@hotmail.com>; "FEMNET FEMNET" <communication@femnet.or.ke>; "'Alex Gakuru'" <gakuru@mail.co.ke>; "Bill Kagai" <billkagai@gmail.com>; "Lizette Kraft" <lkraft@idrc.or.ke>; "Brian Longwe" <brian@pure-id.com>; "'Brian Longwe'" <brian@inhand.co.ke>; "Joseph Mucheru" <mucheru@wananchi.com>; "Wainaina Mungai" <wainaina.mungai@oneworld.net>; "Alice Munyua" <alice@apc.org>; "Muriuki Mureithi" <mureithi@summitstrategies.co.ke>; "'Dorcas Muthoni'" <dmuthoni@kenet.or.ke>; "'Grace Mutung'u'" <nmutungu@gmail.com>; "charles nduati" <charlesnduati2002@yahoo.co.uk>; "james Nguo" <james@alin.or.ke>; "Lucy Njogu" <luchiru@yahoo.com>; "Ben Sihanya" <innovativelawyer@wananchi.com>; "'Tony Wafula'" <twaf78@yahoo.com>; "'John Walubengo'" <jwalubengo@kcct.ac.ke>; "Rebecca Wanjiku" <rebeccawanjiku@yahoo.com>; "'Tim Wanyonyi'" <timwanyonyi@kenyanparaplegic.org> Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 7:34 PM Subject: Fw: KICTANet OSIEA Proposal
Hi all, I am sorry that I could not attend today's meeting as planned. Could you please deal with this OSIEA offer as seen fit? Cheers, FE
Florence Etta PhD Tel: + 254-733-621851(Mobile)/254-20-7121506 Email:feanywhere@yahoo.co.uk
----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Florence Etta <feanywhere@yahoo.co.uk> To: Kerry Shapleigh <kshapleigh@sorosny.org> Sent: Tuesday, 25 April, 2006 2:11:41 PM Subject: RE: KICTANet Proposal
Dear Kerry, Thank you very much for this welcome news. I just got back to Nairobi after about three weeks in West Africa. There will be a KICTANet meeting at the end of this week and I will table this information there and will therefore be in a better position to give you an update etc.
In the meantime do give our warn regards to Binafer if you are in touch with her. I was not aware that she is away on medical grounds.
Cheers, FE
Kerry Shapleigh <kshapleigh@sorosny.org> wrote: RE: KICTANet Proposal Dear Florence, I hope my message finds you well. As you are probably aware, Binaifer is currently on medical leave and will be returning to OSIEA in about one month. In the meantime, I have been tasked with guiding proposals through the review process. We recently brought the KICTANET proposal to our committee, presenting the attached workplan. The committee has approved the proposal for 2 disbursements of $36,500 each and $31,000 as a matching grant. Essentially, OSIEA will issue a grant of US $73,000. If KICTANET is able to raise an additional US $31,000, OSIEA will also match that amount. Please consider this arrangement and let me know your thoughts. Best, Kerry
<<Work plan 2005.doc>>
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