Transparency and Silence: A Survey of Access to Information Laws and Practices in 14 Countries
Transparency and Silence: A Survey of Access to Information Laws and Practices in 14 Countries by Helen Darbishire and Thomas Carson This report details the results of a study undertaken by the Open Society Justice Initiative and its partners to discover how government offices and agencies in 14 countries respond to specific requests for information. The purpose of the study was to explore the strategy of, and trends in, one specific aspect of transparency: the passage of laws on freedom of information (FOI), or public access to government information and records. This report documents how various countries did - or did not - honour the right of access to information. As part of the study, partners of the Justice Initiative in Latin America, Europe and Africa filed a total of 1,926 requests for information; the Justice Initiative and its partners then evaluated and analysed how the people who made requests were treated, how government offices and agencies responded, and the nature and quality of the responses to the requests. The report concludes with a number of specific suggestions to help countries imp! lement effective FOI laws and regulations.
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