Do we need a legal framework for online dispute resolution in Kenya?
Dear Colleagues, In 2016, I approached some of you on this list to participate in my study on the 'Legal Framework for Online Dispute Resolution in Kenya.' You agreed, and indeed your participation was essential to the successful conclusion of my Masters' Thesis, titled 'An Evaluation of the Need for Regulation of Online Dsipute Resolution (ODR) in Kenya' in December 2016, now available online! Please click on this link or copy and paste the link in your browser to access the *abstract*: Please click on this link or copy and paste the link in your browser to access the *full thesis*: I am also pleased to let you know that a paper I prepared, based on my research, was published in the Alternative Dispute Resolution Journal by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch) in its January 2017 issue! The full citation for this text is: Alvin Gachie, ‘Do we need to regulate online dispute resolution in Kenya?’ 5 Alternative Dispute Resolution Journal 1 (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – Kenya Branch 2017) 189. Please click on this link or copy and paste the link in your browser to access the full text of the *journal*: I have attached a Pdf version of the journal article, for your reference and use. Once again, thank you very much for offering your insight on the interaction between technology, law and dispute resolution, without which putting together this research project would have been impossible. Feel free to share this email and the attachment with your networks, and contacts who you feel would be interested in discussing this subject. I would be happy to discuss further opportunities to engage in this area, or other areas you may recommend. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Alvin Gachie Tel: +254 720 803 535
participants (1)
Alvin Gachie