Local Content Perception survey
If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGxnQkdyVktKUnJ... Local Content Perception survey I, Dennis Mbuvi will be part of a panel at the upcoming AITEC Broadcast and Film Africa (BFA) [http://www.aitecafrica.com/event/view/71] conference. I will be discussing challenges facing content producers in Africa. I would like to collect your views on locally produced content, especially your commercial perspective. The questions below are all optional, but please assist by answering as much as you can. The survey covers digital content ie movies, music, animations, electronic books. Would you buy any locally produced content - music, video (movies,animation), literature Yes No Have you ever bought any locally produced digital content? Yes No If you have purchased locally produced content, how much of it have you purchased in total 1 copy 1 - 5 copies 5 - 10 copies more than 10 copies At what price would you be comfortable purchasing locally produced music at? eg Kshs 50, Kshs 100, Kshs 500 At what price would you be comfortable purchasing locally produced video content at? eg Kshs 50, Kshs 100, Kshs 500 How would you rate the majority of locally produced content? High Average Below Average Do you believe content producers are doing enough to market their content in Africa? Why do you say so? Any additional remarks on locally produced content Powered by Google Docs Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Additional Terms
participants (1)