Job Announcement -- Executive Director, ActionAid International USA]

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Subject: Job Announcement -- Executive Director, ActionAid International USA Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:34:58 -0500 From: Rick Rowden <>
(apologies for cross postings)
Job Announcement
AAI USA is seeking a dynamic and entrepreneurial Executive Director to lead the organization at an exciting and challenging time in its history. AAI USA is poised to begin an effort to become a significant bridge between social change organizations and coalitions in the US and constituency-based groups and social movements in developing countries where AAI has affiliates. AAI USA’s new Executive Director will lead the organization as it strives to fulfill its potential for linking social justice work in the US and in developing countries at a time when such practical solidarity is more important than ever before. The Executive Director will direct and manage AAI USA, its staff and programs, creatively develop bridging partnerships, raise funds and strategically guide its advocacy agenda.
Candidates should have the following essential qualifications:
• a proven record of leadership with social change organizations at either ED or senior level; • a well-developed sense of vision and strategy in positioning an organization and guiding its advocacy efforts; • creativity in devising practical ways of developing real collaboration on policy issues of common concern between US social change organizations and/or movements and their peers in developing countries; • proven ability to work effectively in coalitions and partnerships with other organizations; • imagination, enthusiasm and energy for advocacy work in support of social and economic justice; • effective management skills and a minimum of 10 years’ experience; • a record of successful fundraising from foundations and individual donors; • effective public speaking skills and powers of persuasion; excellent writing skills; • willingness to travel at least 30 percent time.
In addition to the qualifications noted above, the following skills and experiences are desirable:
• substantial experience in international or domestic advocacy work; • sound knowledge of the US Government and the advocacy process in Washington, DC; • sound knowledge of, and demonstrated experience in, international development and rights-based approaches to development including work experience in one or more developing countries; • a Master’s degree or equivalent experience in a field related to social and economic justice (sociology, public policy, etc.)
Application Process
Interested candidates should send a Curriculum Vita by email to:
The application deadline is February 28, 2006. Final candidates will be interviewed on April 2nd or 3rd, 2006 at ActionAid International USA’s office in Washington, DC.
Background and Context
ActionAid International USA is the US affiliate of ActionAid International (AAI). ActionAid International’s mission is to work in partnership with poor and excluded people who are fighting for a world without poverty, a world in which their voices are heard and have an impact on the policies of government and major private institutions. After having functioned for over thirty years as a British NGO with field offices in forty countries, ActionAid transformed itself into an international organization in December, 2003. It changed its name to ActionAid International, moved its headquarters from London to Johannesburg, South Africa, and turned its field offices into partners with an equal say in how the over-all organization operates. These partner Country Programs are affiliates of AAI and are now in the process of becoming independent registered NGOs in the countries in which they operate. In their development work, they stress partnerships with groups that are raising issues of rights and justice. AAI also has several affiliates in industrialized countries, most with the primary purpose of raising funds for AAI’s development programs.
ActionAid International USA was created in 2000. Its first 5 years have been spent advocating reforms that speak directly to decision makers on key policies such as poverty reduction, trade, education, agriculture, and the expenditure of federal, IMF and World Bank funds. AAI USA is now committed to becoming a “bridge” organization which links social change organizations and coalitions in the US with constituency-based groups and social movements in developing countries where AAI has affiliates. The purpose of these linkages is to collaborate in advocating on such common concerns as food rights, trade, violence against women and HIV/AIDS. For example, AAI USA has recently entered into partnerships with the Friends of the Earth, the Rural Coalition, and the Federation of Southern Cooperatives in order to conduct joint advocacy efforts. AAI USA is located in Washington, DC, currently has a staff of 7 and an annual operating budget of approximately $1 million. Its website is
Equal Opportunity Employer
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