Re: Burning and Closure of Standard Media Group

Dear all, As we all so readily rotest against the unwarranted destruction of property etc, let us not be sucked into supporting misconduct within the media. We must not lose sight of the fact that the media has become is a law unto itself; while the rest of society is governed by rules of civilised conduct. The media is a powerful tool that has even been abused to the extent of fueling conflict in many countries. As we all know, it has also been used positively. However, there are currently several cases in court and other incidents that indicate the media has failed to regulate itself. The Media Council of Kenya may just have proved to Kenyans over the years that the concept of self-regulation may be the way to go in Kenya. As much as I empathise with the Standard Group, I would urge them to give Kenyans (wether in government or not) a fair hearing and endevour to report ONLY the truth. Sensational reporting in an attempt to gain market share will lead to situations as we have now as the parties seek resolution (whether the methods are wrong or right). In cases where mistakes a made, they should not hid apologies in a small corner of page 92 but put into where the original story (Page 1, if the story was a headline story) and so on. Anything short of that should be handled by very stringent laws of conduct. Politically incorrect but I hope it will keep us focused. There is an urgent need to get a working system for regulation of the media conduct. --- Wainaina Mungai SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
-------Original Message------- From: Waudo Siganga <> Subject: Burning and Closure of Standard Media Group Sent: 02 Mar '06 19:29
Dear Colleagues,
The reports received this morning regarding the crackdown and closure of the Standard Media Group are shocking and the CSK will issue a statement on the same later in the day.
Kind Regards Waudo Siganga Chairman The Computer Society of Kenya
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Wainaina Mungai