Re: [Kictanet] 'Cheaper to fly than use ADSL'

Aiih! Is this true or money has been poured to tarnish an otherwise good name of TKL? any comment from Rukaria? Eng. Kinoti? Eng. Senaji? walu.
Dorcas Muthoni <> 11/14/05 10:52am >>> 'Cheaper to fly than use ADSL'
If you don't eat or stay over, you could fly to Hong Kong and download 100 gigabytes of data from the Internet, fly back to South Africa and pay less than if you were to download that amount of information using Telkom's ADSL service. Even taking into account the duration of the return flight, you could be back in South Africa days before you could complete the download here. This is according to Durban software developer Stuart Gunter, who has posted on an Internet forum the findings of an investigation that show just how internationally uncompetitive Telkom's ADSL service is compared to the rest of the world. For the rest of the story visit:
participants (1)
John Walubengo