FOR IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE Saturday, 18 February 2006 THE BILLIONAIRE WHO WANTS TO GIVE IT ALL AWAY "So you have made half a billion dollars and you have paid a trip to space. What on earth do you do next? Some might consider politics; others would sit back and enjoy a life of leisure. But for technology entrepreneur and cosmonaut, Mark Shuttleworth, the next battle was to take on the might of Microsoft on its core territory- the Desktop. Mark Shuttleworth has an impressive record, and you certainly cannot question his dedication. He is currently on a gruelling 3 week world tour in his private jet, promoting Ubuntu and making contacts in Croatia, Pakistan, India, China, Indonesia and Kenya " – London Financial Times, January 20,2006 Mr. Shuttleworth's private jet lands at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Wednesday, 22nd February, 2006 at 15:15 hrs. He has been invited into the country by Circuits & Packets Communications Ltd, who are hosting the Second IDLELO (IDLELO2) Conference on Digital Commons in collaboration with the eGovernment Directorate in the Office of the President and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). IDLELO2 has attracted over 250 international delegates from 39 countries, 38 universities, 40 Government IT Agencies and various private sector, international organisations and civil society entities. The objectives of this conference are to stimulate a local software industry in Africa and bring together Practioners and Decision makers responsible for entrenching the software industry in Africa. For more information, contact: Nicholas Kimolo The IDLELO2 Project Manager Email: Website: Mobile: +254 720 349420 Enclosed: 1. Financial Times of London "The Entrepreneur who wants to give it all away" Article, 2006/01/20, Pg 9 2. IDLELO2 Press Release
participants (1)
Bill Kagai