Publication Review
Dear Listers, I wish to express my appreciation to all the members who participated in my online survey for my Masters Thesis in June 2014 through the Survey Monkey tool. When l was seeking for your participation, l promised to share the results of my findings which l already did. Today, l share an article l co-authored with my supervisors that was based on very Masters Thesis and which has been accepted for publication by an online journal, ProCon Ltd. I have attached the link herewith for your review and would be grateful to read your comments on the issues raised.Thank you. Cybersecurity Strategy’s Role in Raising Kenyan Awareness of Mobile Internet Threats | Procon Ltd. Information & Security: An International Journal | | | | | | | | | | | Cybersecurity Strategy’s Role in Raising Kenyan Awarenes...Publication Type: Journal article preview Authors: Angela Okuku; Karen Renaud; Brandon Valeriano Source: Information & Security: An International Journal, Volu... | | | | View on | Preview by Yahoo | | | | | Best regards,Angela. Chevening Alumni. Sent By Mia Ang
participants (1)