Positive energy and the KCSE

Dear All, As we discussed the the KCSE error, Eric Aligula sent the quotations below and I think they capture the spirit in which we should approach such problems. Often we spend more time to criticise yet this forum has some of the best minds in ICT. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke "Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt In the past we have spent our collective negative energy to kill projects that could have uplifted this country out of poverty. For example, the Nyayo car. Although there was evidence of corruption it is common knowledge that cost of any protype is usually high. Our learned good men and women did not come out to explain the behaviour of variable and fixed costs. The Malaysians if you read about their Proton were experiencing the same. What saved their project was the benevolent dictatorship of their leadership. Today the Proton is as good a car as any and Kenyans are importing it. You learn the history of motor industry, Kenyan technicians were taken to India, Zechoslovakia and South Africa to teach them on motor assembly. There are many projects that have come and gone because the good men that Edmund Burke is referring to are doing nothining. Indeed even those in public offices wanting to do good for the country fear taking any risk because there is no legal insurance. Therefore, the public had a responsibility to develop a common culture whose focus is to build rather than condem and destroy. Regards Ndemo. ---------------------------------------------- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by Jambo MailScanner, and is believed to be clean. --------------------------------------------- "easy access to the world"

Daktari; Eric Aligula does not reply my many emails yet your below message attempts to make those of us terribly keen to make public officers open and accountable either feel wioyee for public servants or feel guilty for asking hard questions? At the core of the problem is simply Openness! The funds these officers use daily and commit to procurements and projects do not belong to them but the public. They are paid very well to do their jobs and when they fail to perform they should throw in the towel or get sacked. Otherwise there would never be a need even for this and other mailing lists to consult public opinion and respond such as with the (unattached) quotations;) Gakuru PS: I know too well the amount of energy and resources that can be committed to frustrate nonconformists. AG --- bitange@jambo.co.ke wrote:
Dear All, As we discussed the the KCSE error, Eric Aligula sent the quotations below and I think they capture the spirit in which we should approach such problems. Often we spend more time to criticise yet this forum has some of the best minds in ICT.
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke
"Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt
In the past we have spent our collective negative energy to kill projects that could have uplifted this country out of poverty. For example, the Nyayo car. Although there was evidence of corruption it is common knowledge that cost of any protype is usually high. Our learned good men and women did not come out to explain the behaviour of variable and fixed costs. The Malaysians if you read about their Proton were experiencing the same. What saved their project was the benevolent dictatorship of their leadership. Today the Proton is as good a car as any and Kenyans are importing it. You learn the history of motor industry, Kenyan technicians were taken to India, Zechoslovakia and South Africa to teach them on motor assembly.
There are many projects that have come and gone because the good men that Edmund Burke is referring to are doing nothining. Indeed even those in public offices wanting to do good for the country fear taking any risk because there is no legal insurance. Therefore, the public had a responsibility to develop a common culture whose focus is to build rather than condem and destroy.
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Alex Gakuru