FW: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] TzParliament website updated

FYI _____ From: eThinkTankTz@yahoogroups.com [mailto:eThinkTankTz@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of David Sawe Sent: 18 January 2006 14:16 To: ethinktanktz@yahoogroups.com; swopnet@dgroups.org Subject: [www.eThinkTankTz.org] TzParliament website updated Greetings colleagues, Kindly be aware that details about Tanzania's new MPs for 2005-2010 have now been published at: HYPERLINK "http://www.parliament.go.tz/bunge/Mp_Ls3.asp"http://www.parliament.go.tz/bu nge/Mp_Ls3.asp Let us not take this service for granted -- please see the article hereunder and join me in congratulating our colleagues at the Speaker's Office for continuing to provide us this valuable service. Regards, David. _____ HYPERLINK "http://allafrica.com/" \nallAfrica.com Parliament Website Remains Closed January 18, 2006 Posted to the web January 17, 2006 Francis Openda Nairobi Kenya is the only East African country without a website for its Parliament. The National Assembly's official website was shut down last September after The Standard published education backgrounds, hobbies, ages and other details of MPs from the site. The site was shut down after complaints that the information was "too sensitive" and that MPs had been embarrassed. Posted on the website, http://www.parliament.go.ke , are the words: "Thank you for visiting the Parliament website. We are currently updating this site. Please bookmark this site and visit us shortly." The site, which was on a test run, was shut before the launch, set for last September. Kenya's Parliament now lags behind its Ugandan and Tanzanian counterparts, which have websites that have detailed information on MPs. They detail MPs' employment history, political experience and special skills. The sites also tabulate MPs' performance in Parliament in terms of questions raised and their contributions. Also included are parliamentary documents such as Bills, Acts, Order Papers and transcripts of proceedings. The sites also contain a summary of development funds and ministry activities. Also posted on the sites are proceedings of committee meetings, which are still a closed-door affair in Kenya. The public is also given an opportunity to post comments on the websites. HYPERLINK "http://allafrica.com/copyright.html"Copyright © 2006 The East African Standard. All rights reserved. _____ HYPERLINK "http://allafrica.com/stories/200601171142.html"http://allafrica.com/stories /200601171142.html Anyone who would like to join eThinkTankTz is welcome to do so by sending a blank email to: eThinkTankTz-subscribe@yahoogroups.com _____ YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS * Visit your group "HYPERLINK "http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eThinkTankTz"eThinkTankTz" on the web. * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: HYPERLINK "mailto:eThinkTankTz-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com?subject=Unsubscribe"eThinkT ankTz-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the HYPERLINK "http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/"Yahoo! Terms of Service. _____ -- No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.18/230 - Release Date: 14/01/2006 -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.18/230 - Release Date: 14/01/2006
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Harry Hare