Dear Clerk of the Senate, Based on the template available at http://parliament.go.ke/sites/default/files/2020-04/Public%20Petition%20Temp... , a draft petition is below. Please let me know if any additional information would be required to submit this petition. Sincerely, Benson Muite I the undersigned, Benson Muite, Citizen of the Republic of Kenya, and resident of Nairobi County DRAW, the attention of the Senate to the following: 1. The representatives of the people of Kenya appointing Independent Electrol and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioners are not selected to best evaluate the ability of the selected commissioners in fulfilling the mandate of the IEBC. This mandate consists of: 1.1 The continuous registration of voters and revision of the voter'roll; 1.2 The delimitation of constituencies and wards; 1.3 The regulation of political parties process; 1.4 The settlement of electoral disputes; 1.5 The registration of candidates for elections; 1.6 Voter education; 1.7 The facilitation of the observation, monitoring and evaluation of elections; 1.8 The regulation of money spent by a candidate or party in respect of any election; 1.9 The development of a code of conduct for candidates and parties; 1.10 The monitoring of compliance with legislation on nomination of candidates by parties. 2. THAT, none of these issues raised in this Petition is pending in any court of Law, Constitutional or any other legal body. WHEREFORE, your humble petitioner pray that the Senate 1. Consider making steps in conjunction with the National Assembly to modify the IEBC act so that 1.1 The section on the selection panel a) two men and two women nominated by the Parliamentary Service Commission; (b) one person nominated by the Law Society of Kenya; and (c) two persons nominated by the Inter-religious Council of Kenya. is modified to read (a) two persons nominated by the Parliamentary Service Commission; (b) one person nominated by the Law Society of Kenya; (c) two persons nominated by the Inter-religious Council of Kenya; (d) one person nominated by the Institution of Engineers of Kenya; (e) one person nominated by the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya; (f) one person nominated by the Teachers Service Commission; and (g) one person nominated by the Media Council of Kenya. 1.2) This would increase the members of the selection panel by two people to nine, and have an associated increase in costs, but a more effective IEBC would also be more cost efficient. The number of commissioners would also remain the same, and the selection panel members do not do this as a full time position. 1.3) A representative from the Institution of Engineers of Kenya can ensure there is sufficient technical expertise required for communication and electronic infrastructure 1.4) A representative fron the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya can ensure there is sufficient expertise in boundary delimitations 1.5) Representatives from the Teachers Service Commission and Media Council of Kenya can ensure there is expertise in public education and information dissemination.

Dear Clerk of the Senate, It would be helpful to know whether this is a monitored email address. It appears a bill has been drafted: http://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/bills/2022/TheIndependentElect... http://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/bills/2022/ThePetitiontoParlia... but no reply was given to the matter below. Sincerely, Benson Muite On 10/11/22 09:12, Benson Muite wrote:
Dear Clerk of the Senate,
Based on the template available at http://parliament.go.ke/sites/default/files/2020-04/Public%20Petition%20Temp... , a draft petition is below. Please let me know if any additional information would be required to submit this petition.
Sincerely, Benson Muite
I the undersigned, Benson Muite,
Citizen of the Republic of Kenya, and resident of Nairobi County DRAW, the attention of the Senate to the following:
1. The representatives of the people of Kenya appointing Independent Electrol and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioners are not selected to best evaluate the ability of the selected commissioners in fulfilling the mandate of the IEBC. This mandate consists of: 1.1 The continuous registration of voters and revision of the voter'roll; 1.2 The delimitation of constituencies and wards; 1.3 The regulation of political parties process; 1.4 The settlement of electoral disputes; 1.5 The registration of candidates for elections; 1.6 Voter education; 1.7 The facilitation of the observation, monitoring and evaluation of elections; 1.8 The regulation of money spent by a candidate or party in respect of any election; 1.9 The development of a code of conduct for candidates and parties; 1.10 The monitoring of compliance with legislation on nomination of candidates by parties.
2. THAT, none of these issues raised in this Petition is pending in any court of Law, Constitutional or any other legal body.
WHEREFORE, your humble petitioner pray that the Senate
1. Consider making steps in conjunction with the National Assembly to modify the IEBC act so that 1.1 The section on the selection panel a) two men and two women nominated by the Parliamentary Service Commission; (b) one person nominated by the Law Society of Kenya; and (c) two persons nominated by the Inter-religious Council of Kenya. is modified to read (a) two persons nominated by the Parliamentary Service Commission; (b) one person nominated by the Law Society of Kenya; (c) two persons nominated by the Inter-religious Council of Kenya; (d) one person nominated by the Institution of Engineers of Kenya; (e) one person nominated by the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya; (f) one person nominated by the Teachers Service Commission; and (g) one person nominated by the Media Council of Kenya. 1.2) This would increase the members of the selection panel by two people to nine, and have an associated increase in costs, but a more effective IEBC would also be more cost efficient. The number of commissioners would also remain the same, and the selection panel members do not do this as a full time position. 1.3) A representative from the Institution of Engineers of Kenya can ensure there is sufficient technical expertise required for communication and electronic infrastructure 1.4) A representative fron the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya can ensure there is sufficient expertise in boundary delimitations 1.5) Representatives from the Teachers Service Commission and Media Council of Kenya can ensure there is expertise in public education and information dissemination.
participants (1)
Benson Muite