from WIPO general assembly proceedings..

Hello all, Just reporting back of a detour from the WSIS process where I went to the WIPO Meeting General Assembly: today (29/09/2005 3.30 - 4.30 pm) The main focus of the meeting is around the ICG ( intergovernmental committee) on Intellectual property, Genetic Resources, Traditional-Indigenous knowledge and folklore. The relevant document under discussion was WO/GA/32/7 - and can be found on the WIPO website. Among some of the items discussed is the extension of the intergovernmental committee (IGC) tenure to continue its work for two more years in keeping with its present mandate. Most governments seem to support this statement. There is also the issues of establishment of a voluntary fund to support participation of indigenous communities to attend relevant decision making forum. Many governments delegates presented statements with regard to these issues.. I just noted some of items from the statement presented by Kenya. ---- That a consultation process/committee was set up under the office of the Attorney General regarding the development of policies on intellectual property, genetic resources, traditional -indigenous knowledge, culture e.t.c...The outcomes of this process will be expected to present its results at the end of the year. The consultation process/committee is comprised of a multi stakeholder process with govt, private sector and NGOs - civil society. ---- It would be good for all interested to follow up regarding this process, interact with those involved and especially find out which civil society organizations/NGOs and thus participate in the process to make contributions on the policy development. Regards, Njenga
participants (1)
Emmanuel Njenga