ICT Cofek Sector Unit Meeting on ICT Consumer Protection Guidelines - January 22, 2014
Dear All, The Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK is Kenya's independent, self-funded, multi-sectoral, non-political and apex non-profit Federation committed to consumer protection, education, research, consultancy, litigation, anti-counterfeits campaign and business rating on consumerism and customer-care issues. Cofek works towards a fair, just and safe marketplace for all Kenyan and regional consumers. Cofek is a member of the Government-run Kenya Consumer Protection Advisory Committee (Kecopac). To support the Governing Council, the Cofek Sector Units (CSU's) exclusively comprising experts giving voluntarily of their time and expertise, meet to deliberate specific matters. In this regard, the ICT CSU meets on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 from 8.30 am to 1.00 pm at a Nairobi hotel. The CSU will be deliberating and summarizing salient aspects of protecting Kenya's ICT consumer. The same will later be compiled into consumer guidelines. Former Information and Communications Permanent Secretary Dr Bitange Ndemo will give a keynote speech on "ICT Do's and Don'ts: Stepping Stones for Empowering the Kenya Consumer". We are particularly delighted to be hosting Dr Ndemo, whose hands-on experiences in balancing between ICT policy, industry and consumer interests will be most illuminating. If you have special expertise and believe you can add value to the thematic focus of the meeting, please express interest to attend and include your CV. Your expression of interest to participate need to highlight your proposed value addition to safeguarding ICT consumer interest(s) best to you. Please send the said mail to hotline@cofek.co.ke with a CC: to japhet@ofek.co.ke Kind regards, Japhet Ogutu Program Officer Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK) Meky Place, Block F-45 Ngong Road/Ring Rd Kilimani Junction P.O Box 28053-00200, City Square, NAIROBI, Kenya Tel. 254-20-2615496, 2300859 Fax. 254-20-3861719; Cell phones: 0715555550, 0770700007 E-mail: <mailto:hotline@cofek.co.ke> hotline@cofek.co.ke Website: <http://www.cofek.co.ke/> www.cofek.co.ke Facebook: "Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek)" Twitter: @ConsumersKenya YouTube: "ConsumersKenya" 13th December 2012 - President Kibaki assents to the Consumer Protection Act, 2012 Read it here: <http://www.cofek.co.ke/Consumers%20Protection%20Act%202012.pdf> http://www.cofek.co.ke/Consumers%20Protection%20Act%202012.pdf
participants (1)
Consumers Federation of Kenya (COFEK)