Fw: [AfrEA] 6th AfrEA CONFERENCE - CALL FOR PROPOSALS [2 Attachments]
PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY Thanks Florence 6th AfrEA Conference - Accra 9th -13th Jan 2012 Mark your diary! Florence Etta PhD AfrEA President Tel: + 254-733-621-851 + 1 917-873-1224 Alternative Email:florence.etta@gmail.com Skype: Florence Henrietta Etta ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Akunu Dake <adake@africaonline.com.gh> To: AfrEA@yahoogroups.com Sent: Thursday, 22 September 2011, 5:10 Subject: [AfrEA] 6th AfrEA CONFERENCE - CALL FOR PROPOSALS [2 Attachments] [Attachment(s) from Akunu Dake included below] THE DEADLINE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS FOR THE 6th AfrEA CONFERENCE IS 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2011. Kindly submit your proposal NOW. Email it to afrea.info@gmail.com; akunu@afreaconference.org; yemi@afreaconference.org Also visit the 6th AfrEA Conference website: http://www.afreaconference.org KINDLY SPREAD THE INFORMATION!!! AKUNU DAKE Conference Manager 6th AfrEA Conference 9th - 13th January, 2012 Accra, Ghana C/O Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 73, Legon-Accra Email: afrea.info@gmail.comTel: +233(0)307032706 6TH AfrEA CONFERENCE JANUARY 9 – 13, 2012 ACCRA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE, GHANA CALL FOR PROPOSAL ABSTRACTS CONFERENCE THEME: "Rights and Responsibility in Development Evaluation" The President and Board of the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) invite submissions of abstracts for the 6th AfrEA Conference to be held in Accra, Ghana from January 9 – 13, 2012. Proposal abstracts are welcome for Papers, Panelsand/or Roundtablesfrom individuals and institutions (African and non-African) with expertise and special interest in evaluation. Members of AfrEA, national evaluation associations, and AfrEA Special Interest Groups are particularly encouraged to submit proposals. AfrEA is looking for results and findings of innovative research, projects and training related to development evaluation in general and the conference theme and sub themes in particular. Proposal abstracts are sought for presentations in French or English ONLY. Conference sub-themes 1. State/Country Rights & Responsibilities for Development Evaluation 2. Donor/funder Rights & Responsibilities for Development Evaluation 3. Evaluation Commissioner, Manager & Evaluator Rights & Responsibilities in Development Evaluation 4. Stakeholder & Beneficiary Rights & Responsibilities in Development Evaluation 5. Human Rights and Gender Equality in Development Evaluation Paper Proposalsshould indicate a Title, Name and Affiliation of the proposer, Contact Address [including e-mail address], and a 300 - 500 word Abstract indicating the sub-theme (1-5 above) for which the paper should be considered. Proposals for Panels, or Roundtablesshould indicate Title, Name & Address of Proposer, Name & Affiliation of potential and/or confirmed Presenters (if any), and a 300 - 500 word Abstract indicating the sub-theme (1-5 above) for which the panel or roundtable should be considered. Proposals for Workshopsshould be sent using the following format and attached/specified workshop submission form: 1. Workshop Title: 2. Facilitator name/s; background; qualifications & affiliation: 3. Description of experience in training in the field and history of the workshop or course 4. Contact details of the presenting entity or facilitator 5. Course length: half/1/2 days 6. Target participants: Beginner, intermediate or advanced participants? 7. Workshop description/Programme of activities: 8. Accreditation: 9. Ideal and maximum number of participants. 10. Language of Workshop (English or French) 11. Special requirements: 12. Description of course materials. 13. Indication whether the Facilitator/s accept/s to sign a waiver of his/his/ their facilitation fees, as a contribution to AfrEA. If not, indicate how much the facilitator/s expect/s to be paid. 14. Workshops should indicate if and how they would reflect the theme of the conference. Proposals for Exhibitions should indicate name of the Exhibitor, Contact name and address [including e-mail address], and should be accompanied by a half page description of the exhibition stating the materials required and the language (French or English). All proposals should be sent by e-mail to: afrea.info@gmail.com; akunu@afreaconference.org; yemi@afreaconference.org Attn: Mrs. Tina Asante-Apeatu, The Project Manager AfrEA C/O Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 73, Legon-Accra Tel: +233(0)307032706 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINES Deadline for receipt of abstracts /proposals: Friday, 30th September, 2011 Notification of acceptance of abstracts /proposals: Friday, 28th October, 2011 Deadline for receipt of full papers: Friday, 16th December, 2011 Signed August 19th 2011 Florence Etta PhD AfrEA President 6TH AfrEA CONFERENCE JANUARY 9 – 13, 2012 ACCRA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE, GHANA PAPER/PANEL/ROUNDTABLE ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION FORM Please carefully read the information on the Call for Proposal Abstracts before you complete this form. 1) Presenting author / exhibitor and correspondence information: All correspondence will be sent to the attention of the presenting author at the email address listed below. Title (Ms., Mr., Dr., Prof.) First Name Last Name Credentials BA, PhD If you wish these to appear in conference documentation) Organization or Group: Position or Role: Address: City and Country: Phone Fax: Email: 2) If required, please list potential or confirmed co-author/s or exhibitor/s below: A Book of Abstracts will be printed for the Conference. Author names as well as biographies will be printed exactly as they appear in this form. For Paper presentations, the presenting author will be listed first. No need to duplicate the presenting author’s name. Title First Name Last Name Credentials Organization or Group Position or Role ii) iii) iv) v) 3) TYPE OF PRESENTATION (MarkX as appropriate) A. Paper Presentation A.1 Title of Paper B. Panel or Roundtable B.1) Title of Panel or Roundtable C. Exhibition Yes C.1) Title of Exhibition 4) ABSTRACT: Paper, Panel/s or Roundtable/s: (300 – 500 words) Exhibition: Describe the Exhibition and state the type of materials needed (300 – 500 words). 5) PRESENTER BIOGRAPHY: (Please keep biographies to a maximum of 150 words per Presenter/Exhibitor).Biographies will be printed exactly as they appear in this form in the Conference publication Send your proposal by e-mail to: afrea.info@gmail.com; akunu@afreaconference.org; yemi@afreaconfernce.org Attn: Mrs. Tina Asante-Apeatu, The Project Manager AfrEA C/O Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 73, Legon-Accra Tel: +233(0)307032706 WORKSHOP SUBMISSION FORM Please carefully read the information on the Call for Proposal Abstracts before you complete this form. 1) Presenter / facilitator and correspondence information: All correspondence will be sent to the attention of the facilitator at the email address provided below. Title (Ms., Mr., Dr., Prof.) First Name Last Name Credentials BA, PhD If you wish these to appear in conference documentation) Organization or Group: Position or Role: Address: City and Country: Phone Fax: Email: 2) If required, please list potential or confirmed presenter/s, facilitator/s below: A Book of Abstracts will be printed for the Conference. Facilitator names will be listed in the order they appear in this form. No need to duplicate the presenting facilitator’s name. Title First Name Last Name Credentials Organization or Group Position or Role ii) iii) iv) v) 3. WORKSHOP INFORMATION 3.1) Workshop Title (ONE FORM PER WORKSHOP) 3.2) Description of experience in training in the field and history of the workshop or course 3.3) Course length: half day/ 1 day /2 days 3.4) Target participants: Beginner, intermediate or advanced? 3.5) Which sub theme/s will the workshop be addressing? (Refer to the Call for Proposal Abstracts) 3.6) Workshop description / Programme of activities 3.7) Ideal and maximum number of participants? 3.8) Language of Workshop (English or French) 3.9) Description of course materials 3.10) Special Requirements 3.11) Indicate whether the Facilitator/s expect/s to be paid Please mark(X) Yes No 3.12) If Yes, indicate how much 4) Facilitator/Presenter Biography: (Please keep biographies to a maximum of 150 words per presenter) Send your proposal by e-mail to: afrea.info@gmail.com; akunu@afreaconference.org; yemi@afreaconference.org Attn: Mrs. Tina Asante-Apeatu, The Project Manager AfrEA C/O Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, P.O. Box LG 73, Legon-Accra Tel: +233(0)307032706 __._,_.___Attachment(s) from Akunu Dake 2 of 2 File(s) 6th AfrEA Conference - Latest CALL FOR ABSTRACTS.doc 6th AfrEA Conference - Submission forms - LATEST.doc Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New Topic Messages in this topic () Recent Activity: Visit Your Group MARKETPLACE Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the Yahoo! 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participants (1)
Florence Etta