Fwd: Request: Sharing GrowUp Incubator program's call for Application with your network

Please share ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Bramwel Omondi <Bramwel.Omondi@yunuseh.com> Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 6:59 PM Subject: Request: Sharing GrowUp Incubator program's call for Application with your network To: bndemo@uonbi.ac.ke <bndemo@uonbi.ac.ke>, bndemo@bitangendemo.me < bndemo@bitangendemo.me> Dear His Excellency Prof. Ndemo, Greetings from Yunus Environment Hub, We are glad to inform you that on 13th July 2022, we opened a call for Applications for the new cohort in our GrowUp Incubator program. Dubbed as *Circular Impact Cohort*, the cohort focuses on supporting and advancing innovative, circular, and impactful solutions that have the potential to create substantial environmental and social impact within sustainable Tourism and mobility sectors in East Africa. During the 6-months program, social business entrepreneurs in these sectors will be equipped with knowledge, skills, and tools in the implementation of Circular solutions and Impact Measurement methodology through: - A series of virtual workshops - On-demand virtual working sessions with YEH Circular Economy and Impact Measurement Experts - Capacity-building Bootcamp - Peer to Peer exchanges and Networking sessions - Master Virtual Classes - Investor Readiness training - Pitching opportunities We would therefore request you kindly share this opportunity with your networks and social business entrepreneurs in sustainable tourism and mobility sectors. For more information about the program and applications, please click the following link <https://yunusenvironmenthub.com/growup-incubator/>, Applications will close on the *28th of August 2022, at 23:59 EAT*. We would be happy to receive applications from your networks. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact me – at bramwel.omondi@yunuseh.com . Kind Regards Bramwel Otieno Omondi Yunus Environment Hub Regional Program Manager +4915218671324 *bramwel.omondi@yunuseh.com <bramwel.omondi@yunuseh.com>* *www.yunusenvironmenthub.com* <http://www.yunusenvironmenthub.com> *Download our new Impact Report 2021 <https://yunusenvironmenthub.com/about/#our-impact> to learn more about our work.* [image: cidimage002.jpg@01D6C7DE.CDE54470]
participants (1)
Bitange Ndemo