Fwd: [Internet Policy] ISOC Norway signs statement on Contact tracing
I wonder whether we are implementing similar measures locally now that contact tracing has become the norm. Best Regards ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Salve J Nilsen via InternetPolicy <internetpolicy@elists.isoc.org> Date: Tue, May 19, 2020 at 4:21 PM Subject: [Internet Policy] ISOC Norway signs statement on Contact tracing To: ISOC Internet Policy <internetpolicy@elists.isoc.org> Cc: <sjn@isoc.no> Dear all, The Norway Chapter of the Internet Society has signed a joint statement on contact tracing for Norway, specifically related to the “Smittestopp” app published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health in conjunction with Simula Research. The statement recommends the following principles to be adopted; 1. Divide the app into two separate apps, one for contact tracing SARS-CoV-2 and the other for research 2. The app must not collect, process, or transmit more data than what is necessary to achieve its purpose 3. The governance and technical implementation must be fully transparent 4. Privacy by design; Prioritize privacy-preserving features Details and context are laid out in the article. The initiative is taken by more than 50 industry experts in Norway. ISOC Norway supports the statement in full. The complete statement can be read on Medium.com: https://medium.com/@jointstatementnorway/joint-statement-on-contact-tracing-... With best regards, - Salve J. Nilsen, ISOC Norway Chapter chairperson _______________________________________________ To manage your Internet Society subscriptions or unsubscribe, log into the Member Portal at https://admin.internetsociety.org/622619/User/Login and go to the Preferences tab within your profile. - View the Internet Society Code of Conduct: https://www.internetsociety.org/become-a-member/code-of-conduct/ -- Barrack O. Otieno +254721325277 +254733206359 Skype: barrack.otieno PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
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Barrack Otieno