Hi everyone, On behalf of Africa's Voices, I'd like to invite you to join us for our inaugural academy in Nairobi, 18th-21st September <http://www.africasvoices.org/ideas/avf-academy-2017/>. Our senior team will be presenting practical and engaging sessions on cutting-edge research techniques, with a focus on leveraging digital channels. In particular, I think you will enjoy Modules 2 and 3, led by our senior researchers: Dr. Claudia Abreu Lopes and Dr. Matti Pohjonen. These modules will explore how big data can be applied to social sciences, with hands-on training, and the potential of social media for research and citizen engagement. They will use Africa's Voices projects as case studies, and invite you to bring your own examples and projects to the discussion. You can register for the academy, and select which modules you would like to attend, via this form. <https://africasvoices.typeform.com/to/g8EKDq>
participants (1)
Sidney Ochieng