Wainaina, Have perused some of the stuff you are working on, which look pretty interesting - and very much in line with what we are trying to do with "Poverty Reduction and ICTs". In choice of words, I am very careful not to reverse the order (ie "ICTs and Poverty Reduction", ICT4D, etc) for the fear that that may misplace the emphasis. Indeed, though conventionally "poverty reduction" is often taken to be part/aspect of "development", hence the assumption that "ICT for Development (ICT4D)" includes "ICTs for poverty reduction", I am tempted to think the term "development" is an understatement of "poverty reduction". I would rather see the latter more as "survival" than "development"; but I could be wrong! Anyhow, the "Poverty Reduction and ICTs" Roundtable meeting comes up next week Tuesday 12th April at Landmark Hotel; thanks to CATIA, TESPOK and ICT Policy Consortium - Africa for sponsorship. It shall be co-hosted by ARCC, Media Council, KICTANet, ICT Policy Centre, UoN IDS, KIPPRA, etc. There is a strong feeling from some members of the Consortium to agitate for "Poverty Reduction [and ICTs]" to be Chapter 2 (after Introduction) in the Draft ICT Policy to give this aspect the desired weight. We shall shortly be posting the Roundtable agenda. Perhaps TakingITGlobal could present on "MDGs and ICTs". Rgrds, Shem, ARCC PS: Apologies for cross-posting. For other members of the various lists, please treat this as an invitation to present or participate at the Roundtable. -----Original Message----- From: Wainaina Mungai [mailto:wainaina.mungai@oneworld.net] Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 1:14 PM To: shem@arcc.or.ke Cc: povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke Subject: Re: [Kictanet] Fw: Dialogue on "Poverty Reduction and ICTs" Hallo Shem, I noticed the ICT and Poverty Reduction paper you are working on. I am involved in a similar research project on the links between "Information Society and Sustainable Development" - http://projects.takingitglobal.org/issd and would love to learn what you will find out....am also willing to share my case study which should be ready at early next month. Kindly keep me informed. Regards, Wainaina -- Technical Coordinator, OKN Mobile Oneworld International P. O. Box 1021 - 00100 Nairobi. Kenya. Tel: +254-20-316800 Fax: +254-20-241920 http://www.oneworld.net http://www.openknowledge.net -------------------------------------------------------------------- Winner of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) Awards 2005 Runner up - Small Enterprise Exhibitor Award at the KEPSA Convention -------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalists of the 2004/5 APC Africa Hafkin Communications Prize Theme: "Community connectivity projects for economic development" http://www.apc.org/english/hafkin/2004/finalists.shtml?cmd[810]=x-797-30691 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quoting alice@apc.org:
Dear all
Please see attached a proposal from ARCC. I had mentioned to Shem that I shall share the concept note/proposal with KICTANet members. So your thoughts and comments please thanks alice
----- Original Message ----- From: "Shem Ochuodho" <shem@arcc.or.ke> To: "Edith Adera" <eadera@idrc.or.ke>; <bjones@idrc.or.ke> Cc: <povertyreduction@arcc.or.ke>; <mediacouncil@wananchi.com>; <alice@apc.org> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 1:17 AM Subject: RE: Dialogue on "Poverty Reduction and ICTs"
Hello Ms Adera & Dr Jones,
In preparation for our meeting tomorrow, please find advanced copies of:-
1. The Draft Concept Note (in raw, unedited form) 2. A Working Budget for the Proposed "Poverty Reduction & ICTs Roundtable" and related Policy Mainstreaming Activities
Representing the "Poverty Reduction & ICTs" Consortium will be George Okado (ICT Policy Centre), Ms Esther Kamweru (Media Council), Fred Josiah (Teknik Kenya Ltd), and myself (ARCC).
See you tomorrow, Shem, ARCC
Shem J. Ochuodho, MSc (Eng), PhD, LLD (Hon) Chairman & Founder African Regional Centre for Computing (ARCC) Ngong Road, Opp. Uchumi Hyper Tel: +254-20-2721008/2725326 Nairobi, KENYA www.arcc.or.ke
participants (1)
Shem Ochuodho