Fwd: [centr-igf] Italian Parliament adopts Declaration on Internet Rights
Listers, FYI. Regards ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Nina Elzer <nina@centr.org> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 08:18:28 +0000 Subject: [centr-igf] Italian Parliament adopts Declaration on Internet Rights To: "igf@centrlists.org" <igf@centrlists.org> Cc: Peter Van Roste <peter@centr.org> Good morning, Italy (a parliamentary committee) has adopted a (non-binding) declaration on Internet Rights, including (just about everything): access to internet, net neutrality, data protection, cyber security and internet governance (Art. 14, see below). It also ‘dares’ to address the issue of internet platforms. http://www.camera.it/application/xmanager/projects/leg17/commissione_interne... The intention seems to be to present the Declaration at the upcoming IGF meeting in Brazil. Remarks: The Declaration (i.e. the Italian Parliament) perceives the Internet as something positive (not always the case among several [European] parties) and recognises the global dimension of the Internet (i.e. does not see it in a national/European silo). Interesting: - The preamble (below) could imply that Parliament is calling for a global declaration of internet rights. - It is not clear which or what type of “international authority” could be meant to be responsible for observing the criteria listed in the declaration. Best, Nina [cid:image001.png@01D0C9E7.EABC6D30] Nina Elzer Policy Advisor CENTR - Belliardstraat 20, 1040 Brussels, Belgium tel +32 2 627 55 50 - direct +32 2 627 55 54 - e-mail: nina@centr.org<mailto:nina@centr.org> www.centr.org<http://www.centr.org/> - Twitter<https://twitter.com/CENTR_Nina> - Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/centrnews> - LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/centr> - Skype: elz_nina Declaration of Internet Rights Preamble … The Internet must be treated as a global resource and must satisfy the criterion of universality. … A Declaration of Internet Rights is crucial to laying the constitutional foundation for supranational principles and rights. Art. 14 (Internet governance) 1. Every person has the right to both national and international recognition of their rights. 2. The Internet requires rules consistent with its universal, supranational scope, aimed at fully implementing the principles and rights set out above, to safeguard its open and democratic nature, to prevent all forms of discrimination and to prevent the rules governing its use from being determined by those who hold the greatest economic power. 3. Internet rules shall take into account the various territorial levels (supranational, national, regional), the opportunities created by a variety of forms of self ‐ regulation consistent with the above principles, the need to preserve the capacity for innovation, including through competition, as well as the manifold actors operating on the Internet, and shall encourage involvement in ways that ensure the widespread participation of all concerned. Public institutions shall adopt the appropriate instruments to ensure such participation. 4. In any case, the regulatory innovations regarding the Internet shall be subject to an assessment of their impact on the digital ecosystem. 5. The Internet shall be managed so as to ensure compliance with the principle of transparency, accountability for decisions, accessibility to public information, and the representation of those concerned. 6. Access to and the reuse of data generated and held by the public sector shall be ensured. 7. The establishment of national and international authorities is essential to effectively ensure observance of the above criteria, including through an evaluation of the compliance of the new rules with the principles of this Declaration. -- Barrack O. Otieno +254721325277 +254-20-2498789 Skype: barrack.otieno http://www.otienobarrack.me.ke/
participants (1)
Barrack Otieno