UK Police Acquire Mobile Surveillance Technology.
Hi. The technology the Met police has acquired for use in the UK has great benign value in the protection of citizens from serious crime and acts of terrorism. However, the potential for misuse is extremely high even for a country with such established legislation to protect civil liberties. In the event that the GoK's security agencies acquire such technology do we have a legal framework sufficient to ensure the rights of citizens are not violated? Would we even know when such technology is acquired or would it fall under an ambiguous budget line such as 'Technology Hardware'? See story here Kind regards, *Muchiri* Nyaggah Principal Partner @muchiri +254 722 506400
as far as i know the govt was shopping for mobile monitoring technology in south africa some months ago. delivery is soon. so yes your questions are valid.... although we do have some measure of teh same stuff in place already and usage is very tightly controlled.
participants (2)
Muchiri Nyaggah
peter wakaba