Fwd: UNESCO opens online platform for planning multi-stakeholder implementation of WSIS Plan of Action

fyi --- Waudo Siganga <csk@nbi.ispkenya.com> wrote:
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:11:37 -0800 To: "KIPlist" <kiplist-cl@lyris.idrc.ca> From: Waudo Siganga <csk@nbi.ispkenya.com> Subject: Fwd: UNESCO opens online platform for planning multi-stakeholder implementation of WSIS Plan of Action
--------------------------------- Dear Colleagues, For your information, and in case you would like to participate: X-From_: ci@unesco.org Tue Mar 1419:14:01 2006 X-BrightmailFiltered: true X-Brightmail-Tracker: AAAAAA== X-IronPort-AV: i="4.02,191,1139180400"; d="scan'208,217";a="7139732:sNHT24908332" Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:51:08 +0100 To: csk@nbi.ispkenya.com From: CI News <ci@unesco.org> Subject: UNESCO opens online platform for planning multi-stakeholderimplementation of WSIS Plan of Action X-mid: Y3NrQG5iaS5pc3BrZW55YS5jb20gLCA0MTE= UNESCO opens online platform for planning multi-stakeholderimplementation of WSIS Plan of Action UNESCO has now opened anonlineplatform to facilitate initial contacts among stakeholdersand to launch activities under the Action Lines of the Geneva Plan ofAction that are in the area of competence of the Organization. This includes the following action lines: C3: Access to information and knowledge C7: E-learning and E-science C8:Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local contentC9: Media C10: Ethical dimensions of the Information Society Link toonlineplatform --------------------------------- This is a one-off mail that is being sent toyou as you have earlier expressed interest in matters related to theWorld Summit on the Information Society. Should you like to be regularly be informed on UNESCOs activities in thearea of communication and information, please register athttp://www.unesco.org/webworld/newsletter Plate-forme en ligne de lUNESCO pour préparer la mise en uvremulti-parties prenantes du Plan daction du SMSI LUNESCOvient douvrir uneplate-formeen ligne pour faciliter les premiers contacts entre lesdifférentes parties prenantes et entreprendre des activités concernantles grandes orientations du Plan daction de Genève qui relèvent de lacompétence de lOrganisation. Il sagit des grandes orientations suivantes : C3: Laccès à linformation et au savoir C7: Télé-enseignement etCyberscience C8: Diversité et identité culturelles, diversitélinguistique et contenus locaux C9: Médias C10: Dimensions éthiques de lasociété de linformation lien vers laplate-formeen ligne --------------------------------- Ce message est le dernier qui vous sera envoyéfaisant suite à lintérêt que vous avez exprimé pour le Sommet mondialsur la société de linformation. Si vous souhaitez être régulièrement informé(e) des activités de lUNESCOdans le domaine de la communication et de linformation, veuillez vousenregistrer en utilisant lURL suivante :http://www.unesco.org/webworld/newsletter
--- Submitted by: csk@nbi.ispkenya.com 2006-03-15 03:22:32 EST5 (Please reply to original submitter for private communication) --- You are currently subscribed to kiplist-cl as: [feanywhere@yahoo.co.uk] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-kiplist-cl-98821H@lyris.idrc.ca
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Florence Etta