Dear all The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is working on finalising inputs/comments on the draft ICT policy. We intend to make suggested additions and deletions on the draft document as suggested by PS James Rege ("therefore kindly provide us with suggested additions or deletions to the document so that we can enrich it with your insightful contributions as we move towards the finalisation of the document. We look forward to receiving your further comments Kind Regards Permanent Secretary Ministry of Information and Communications") We shall post the document on April 26th for your feedback. Dr. Ben Sihanya and Warigia Bowman, have offered to complete incorporating suggested additions and deletions on the document from various forums both online and offline. Anyone who has additional comments/suggestions kindly direct them to the various list moderators by 22nd April 2005. -Civil Society: George Okado : george@smart-k.com and Margaret Nyambura Ndung'u <nyamse@yahoo.com> -Media Rebecca Wanjiku <rebeccawanjiku@yahoo.com> -Private Sector: Damaris Kiuna <tespok@tespok.co.ke> -Academia: warigia bowman <warigiabowman@hotmail.com> -Gender: FEMNET COMMUNICATION <communication@femnet.or.ke> -Youth: luchiru@yahoo.com or Wainaina Mungai <wainaina.mungai@oneworld.net> -General: Ben Sihanya <innovativelawyer@wananchi.com> We shall submit the final suggestions/comments to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communication James Rege during the first week of May. Kind regards A. Wanjira Munyua National Coordinator, Catalysing Access to ICTs in Africa (CATIA) Association for Progressive Communications (APC) alice@apc.org http://www.apc.org http://www.catia.ws
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