Re: [Kictanet] Re: Burning and Closure of Standard Media Group

Dear George, How did you come up with the issue of tribe? No-one of the the respondents mentioned tribes here so kindly le't not trivialise this global debate. Afterall, when we fought Moi, it was not because of his tribe - it was the actions of his government.
What is happening to me today, it does not matter what tribe it is happening to, every kenyans should stand up to be counted. Today it is me tommorrow it is YOU.
Two wrongs have been committed and one is being hidden under the guise of "press freedom". The media will also hope that Kenyans only notice the wrong committed by government (which I condemn). It happened to Hon. Biwott but we now know our euphoria under Moi made us permit media to misbehave only because they supported our views. Niether the government nor the media should be left off the hook for "Abuse of Power". We are dealing with competition between "The Four Estates" here and they are abusing their power and freedom. When the Standard Group is caught in misconduct, they should not hide behind "Kenyans". They are a company that does what they do for profit. They must not be allowed to abuse freedom and undermine the democratic rights of other Kenyans. Let's not be politically correct at the expense of the truth. --- Wainaina Mungai SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
-------Original Message------- From: Sidarec <> Subject: Re: [Kictanet] Re: Burning and Closure of Standard Media Group Sent: 02 Mar '06 15:15
Wainana talks as if it was only barbaric to do such things as is happening now under Moi. Now that it is Kibaki, Media has become irresponsible, and should be burnished. We kenyans tend to forget yesteryears when the country was under siege. What is happening to me today, it does not matter what tribe it is happening to, every kenyans should stand up to be counted. Today it is me tommorrow it is YOU. If I don't raise my voice because it is not touching me, tommorrow it will be you, and God knows how it will end. We must stand up and be counted at this hour of need. This is an affront to our way of life; We fought for this freedom, and it was not gioven to us free, many people died for this course,and this government was elected on that premise; to uphold the rule of law; it is not about Standard Newspaper of the KNT, it is about Kenyans on asault.
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Then why should just a mere reportage of a meeting between two people be an issue of irresponsible journalism? If the government feel so agrieved, why not go to court and sort it out there? I am not trivialising anthing, the writing is there on the wall!!! Dear George, How did you come up with the issue of tribe? No-one of the the respondents mentioned tribes here so kindly le't not trivialise this global debate. Afterall, when we fought Moi, it was not because of his tribe - it was the actions of his government.
What is happening to me today, it does not matter what tribe it is happening to, every kenyans should stand up to be counted. Today it is me tommorrow it is YOU.
Two wrongs have been committed and one is being hidden under the guise of "press freedom". The media will also hope that Kenyans only notice the wrong committed by government (which I condemn). It happened to Hon. Biwott but we now know our euphoria under Moi made us permit media to misbehave only because they supported our views. Niether the government nor the media should be left off the hook for "Abuse of Power". We are dealing with competition between "The Four Estates" here and they are abusing their power and freedom. When the Standard Group is caught in misconduct, they should not hide behind "Kenyans". They are a company that does what they do for profit. They must not be allowed to abuse freedom and undermine the democratic rights of other Kenyans. Let's not be politically correct at the expense of the truth. --- Wainaina Mungai SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
-------Original Message------- From: Sidarec <> Subject: Re: [Kictanet] Re: Burning and Closure of Standard Media Group Sent: 02 Mar '06 15:15
Wainana talks as if it was only barbaric to do such things as is happening now under Moi. Now that it is Kibaki, Media has become irresponsible, and should be burnished. We kenyans tend to forget yesteryears when the country was under siege. What is happening to me today, it does not matter what tribe it is happening to, every kenyans should stand up to be counted. Today it is me tommorrow it is YOU. If I don't raise my voice because it is not touching me, tommorrow it will be you, and God knows how it will end. We must stand up and be counted at this hour of need. This is an affront to our way of life; We fought for this freedom, and it was not gioven to us free, many people died for this course,and this government was elected on that premise; to uphold the rule of law; it is not about Standard Newspaper of the KNT, it is about Kenyans on asault.
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Wainaina Mungai